Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Don't Like Kids

I have conflicted feelings when I take the dog for a walk. I feel good about the two of us getting some exercise in. I feel a little annoyed when kids get excited to see her and want to pet her. I feel more annoyed when they startle her and then get startled themselves and then parents look at me like I'm the idiot who didn't teach their kids not to approach strange dogs.

I've come to the conclusion that we should walk at night or very early morning when there aren't any people out. Also, I'm not that found of children. The more I'm forced to interact with them, the farther back I push the time frame for wanting to have kids. This is frustrating for me because I've always wanted kids. But now that I'm 23, and married, and feeling like I should be planning for children, I find myself angry that I should feel that way. As if any societal pressures (or family pressures) should govern the very important life decisions Jeremy and I will be making, such as when we have kids, or buy a house. (We would like to own, or be in the process of owning, our own house before we start making babies. That doesn't seem at all feasible though.)

Today at work I was told I needed to have a baby. Needed.

Strange world.

I'm watching 'Prelude to a Kiss' on Netflix right now. I've never seen it but I've read the play, cause I'm a pretentious snob. I know I like the play, and I like Alec Baldwin, but sometimes I'm on the fence about Meg Ryan. That Tweety Bird mouth kinda throws me off.

Additionally, I do believe I'll love my children. When we decide to have them.

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