Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Yeah Work!

I saw my pregnant sister today. You guys, she is so fuckin' cute. Oh my god. I want to hang out with her all the time and have many pictures taken so that when I see other knocked chicks who are not taking to pregnancy well, I can give them a picture and be like, 'this is how you're supposed to do it, get it together.' Not even kidding, she's adorable. I'm so excited for a few weeks after the baby's born when it's super cute and not all weird-faced like newborns can be. The best part about that sentence is that everyone in our family agrees with it.

You guys, my new job, is the best thing ever. I could only be happier making a living if I were getting paid to write. As it is, if I could do this for the next twenty years I seriously don't think I would get tired or frustrated with it at all. Of course it's easy to say that now when I've only worked two days and I haven't started checking books in and out to patrons. I spent four hours today just scanning books in and putting them on the hold shelf. It was effing terrific. Yesterday I spent three hours shelving books. It was quiet. It was organized. I couldn't stop grinning. Not like a maniac though, just to myself. I love dressing nice for work and it being practical. I actually kinda like some of the people I work with. I love going to work.

We're rewatching The West Wing. I love Aaron Sorkin.

This post is filled with so much love.

Back to the work thing for a minute more. When I was busy freaking out about my first day apparently my friends and loved ones were all about being awesome and supportive. I got texts and facebook messages and my grams called and left a voicemail. Ashley reminded me to pack a lunch. Mom and dad called me 'library lady' cause I kept yelling at dad for calling me a librarian (which I am not). So... everyone is amazing. I'm full of love. This is terrific.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Some Lists

I wanted to write something meaningful, but I'm really nervous about work tomorrow so I keep stumbling over what I want to say. Instead, I will regale you with some lists.

First up, I owe $2.70 in fines to the library, that place I'll be working at tomorrow, and these are the items I forgot to return on time or forgot to renew:

  • Heaven's Net is Wide: The First Tale of the Otori - Lian Hearn
  • The End - Lemony Snicket
  • The Penultimate Peril - Lemony Snicket
  • Out of The Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis
  • That Hideous Strength: A Modern Fairy-Tale for Grown-Ups - C.S. Lewis
  • Perelandra - C.S. Lewis
  • Rave On Buddy Holly
  • Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
  • Jekyll & Hyde: The Original Cast Recording

The second list is brought to by my iTunes library, where we see the 5 most played songs (insightful shit here, kids):

  • Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic (40 plays)
  • Planetary (GO!) - My Chemical Romance (33 plays)
  • Kiss With a Fist - Florence & the Machine (30 plays)
  • Kill, Kill, Kill - The Pierces (27 plays)
  • Lovely Flower in Your Pretty Red Hair - The Zou (27 plays)

Well that says a lot about me, for example how I'm apparently an emo-tastic teenager. 

I've been trying to figure out what to wear for my first day for like, the past two weeks. It has been weighing on me. I thought I finally figured it out, and I put it all together accessories and all, I even tweeted about it (picture included) and now I hate the entire outfit. I want to wear blue. I feel most confident when I'm wearing blue. But I don't have a blue shirt long enough for me to feel comfortable with my muffin top. AND I have to get my picture taken tomorrow, so whatever I wear has to be good enough that I won't hate looking at my ID badge for the next however-long-I-have-to-wear-that-thing cause I don't know how often those are updated.
It's a full day and I have an hour lunch. Do I even bother bringing food? I'm going to be stressing out all day. Do I leave for lunch? I know I can, and I'll have an hour, but I don't know if it'll be during the usual lunch time or not so I don't know if it'll be a waste of an hour having to wait in line wherever I go and then having to stuff my face in the remaining five minutes. Who am I kidding? I'll be too nervous to eat. There's all the paper work, and orientation crap- seriously though, what if I'm awful? What if I'm not the quick learner I always thought was? What if, what if, what if... 

I'm going to be up all night with this crap. Good thing I bought energy drinks when we went grocery shopping. Maybe I should light some candles. Aromatherapy and shit.

I guess the outfit is cute and practical though. That's important, right? My palms are sweaty. Oh my god I hate tomorrow.

Wish me luck.