Friday, March 16, 2012

Things Learned

My body is pear-shaped.

Cranberry juice is delicious.

I am a feminist.

Rooms with books in them don't smell the same in winter as they do in summer, or in spring as they do in autumn.

When you cover furniture with sheets, it makes the room look way smaller. (If you're trying to minimize space, cause I guess some people might.)

I should have far more responsibility at work but I don't, and that's my fault cause when it was first offered to me I backed away like a scared kitten, howling and mewling for my very life.

I totally want to raise a child. Like, totally. Teach him/her stuff that people don't teach anymore, like how to make a crane out of the paper that some napkins come wrapped in at restaurants. Or how to make a bubble from gum without it popping so you can put Pixie Stix powder in the hollow. Ya know, important stuff.

I don't care how old I am, young adult novels will always be interesting to me.

I own enough spoons to serve a party of nearly two-dozen, but only enough forks for a party of ten. So... soup party.

My dog is well-conditioned. She took off out of the house today because I forgot to close the door all the way, and when I finally chased her down it occurred to me that she was walking/running the same path we take when we go for walks. She even cut that one corner the same. If I hadn't worked up such a dude-sweat I would've been way more impressed. I'm impressed now, but at the time... super pissed off.