Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ugh, Shut Up Now

This is dedicated to that broad who always has something to bitch about, regarding my blog, which I actually write for myself and not for her although she keeps forgetting that. (Also, write your own damn blog!)

For Valentine's Day, the holiday I never planned on celebrating with a significant other because it's crap, my loving husband had to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to take me to work. Because we still only have one car. He got to go back home and sleep some more before going into work, I did not.


So I'm putting my jacket on before we leave and he says he'll pull the Jeep up. Aww, sweet. It's cold out and he doesn't want me to be chilled. Then I get in and put my bag in the backseat and there's a gift bag, for me.

And a pink, fluffy stuffed dog.

Buckled in.

Safety first.

He got me chocolate and a tea sampler.

He also got me a card that has the word 'wife' on it. I was giddy. First Valentine's with a wife card! I wanted to tell people at work, but then I don't really talk to them, and nobody asked me about it. I don't discuss things like that unless directly asked. Because I never assume people want to hear about my life. Because I never want to hear about other people's lives.

For dinner we went to Denny's. No joke. We figured most places would be busy and we're trying to save money so we went cheap.

It was a terrible idea.

The server was apathetic at best, but really she had no right to be. It's not like she could have possibly had plans. Not with that face and attitude. Ooh, burn! Our food was mediocre, that was our fault though cause it's Denny's. Never have expectations about Denny's. And they took forever to bring it out. It was almost an hour later when we were served. How does that happen?

We left a crappy tip, cause we had crappy service. (That is how the system works, server at Denny's/anywhere!)

Then we got ice cream from Handel's. That part was awesome. Totally awesome. I love Handel's. It was even better cause it was free cause Jeremy had coups he got from work.

We went home and watched Monday nights Castle.

And that is the run-down of my thrilling first anniversary as a wife.

You're welcome, world.

Haven't Posted In Awhile, My Bad

Let's start with some good news: I am now 10 pounds away from my goal weight, and looking good. High five for me.  Other news, I still hate my job. But that's to be expected. I will never like a job until that job is getting paid to sit around day-drinking pretending I have writer's block but really just milking everyone's interest in my forth-coming novel. (Note to publishers, I'm ready to talk if you don't care about a 30-page proposal, or a finished piece of work. Let's do this.)

I'm watching the original Born Yesterday again, cause Jeremy's still sleeping. He's the kind of person that won't watch black and white movies, for inexplicable reasons. He can't say why, cause he doesn't honestly know, but they just seem weird to him. So I watch when he's not around.

It's still great, and I still hate Brock. With gusto.

I've included this lovely outtake from our wedding photos for your viewing entertainment. Look at my hair, that is excellent hair. All lank and lifeless. Those sweat-soaked bangs, my gut making itself known, the clearly-too-warm flush to my chubby upper-arms. Not to mention the god-awful posture. How could he possibly say no to that?