Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stories and The Like

Let me start by saying that I had the best intentions for the past few days. I was going to make cookies, butterscotch ones to be precise, and clean out my basement, and clear out some of the ridiculous amounts of  glasses in our cupboards to fit in our tupperware which has been sitting on a chair in the kitchen in the box it came in while we use it, and tidy up the living room so there aren't random stacks of papers hanging around on coffee tables, basically I wanted to declutter my apartment.

Then yesterday hanging out with mom her Jeep broke down and I didn't get home till like 7, and I watched True Romance, ate Spaghettios, and got sleepy then went to bed. Today I got home from work and hung out with mom again, then I came home and fully intended to make the butterscotch cookies, cause I definitely wasn't going to get to the basement, and then discovered that I had no butter. So... still no cookies.

Yesterday was Ray Bradbury's birthday. He would've been 92. I was feeling really bold and inspired and I was going to post one of my short stories here, to commemorate what a remarkable summer this has been so far for me. Someone I felt very close to and who made me feel welcome in my own brain passed away, and a little more than a month later someone I hope I always feel very close to and who makes me feel welcome not just in my own brain but in my body and soul celebrated a year of marriage with me. I've slowly begun clawing my way out of overwhelming debt. I haven't gotten a new job yet but they are still interested (they'll supposedly be calling me in the next few weeks for yet another interview). Jeremy got a new car. I colored my hair for the first time in years, and I actually went lighter for the first time ever. I climbed into my house through a bathroom window (that was awesome for me.). So on and so forth.

Then of course I started thinking about it and decided not to post anything as I am every fearful of what people will think of my work. I'm worried they'll think it's awful but not tell me that, and sometimes just as bad is the concern that they'll think it's awful and tell me it is. Or they'll have no response at all. So I figured it would be easier to not take the chance. Because I am a total pussy. Maybe some other time.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's Tuesday, So I Wrote a Short Blog

Days when I work at 5 am, no matter how late I work till, I always feel like such a bum when I get home and I realize it's not even 3 yet but I'm already wearing my lazy clothes. And I always want to take a nap. Cause I don't get enough sleep the night before an early start so I continue the cycle by taking a nap and then not being able to get to sleep that night. It's vicious.

I love the crap out of Rock Of Ages. I prefer the movie cast recording to the Broadway cast but only because the movie wasn't as over the top with the emoting. The Broadway cast seem to think that the music and story line aren't cheesy enough so they just really drive it home. Also, the Broadway version's Stacee Jaxx sounds like a cross between Danny Zuko and a washed out jock who manages a dealership but doesn't own it. I like Tom Cruise as Stacee Jaxx better. Plus, who knew he had such a glam metal set of pipes? Super excited to own that DVD.

Jeremy's going out of town for a few days, leaving tonight. This will be the first time I've spent the night alone in this apartment since he worked at the hospital and he was doing overnights, and even then he was still home in the morning. I actually won't see him at all until Sunday, or is it Monday? He'll be back next week sometime. I'm sad. I like him. He's nice to have around.

I work while he's away. Like, I've been working since last Thursday and my next day off isn't until Friday. BUT, I have two days off in a row! That's crazy! That never happens. I hear rumours though that for some people this is actually totally normal. Is this true? Two days off in a row is a thing? What a world.