Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Work Rant Part... large number

I'm annoyed that my stupid supervisors have waited this long to give me more hours. They ask me to stay later and joke that they're doing it so I can have money for the honeymoon. Or they'll ask me to pick up a shift, or two, or three and smile knowingly like we're in on something together: 'These three hours you just agreed to will most assuredly pay for fine dining and souvenirs. You're welcome.'
If these hours are available a month before I'm leaving the country, why were they not available two months before? Or three? Or ever? You hapless retards.

In other news, we're buying cheap-ish announcements but I'm making the invites. There aren't a lot of people coming (fingers crossed, not that I don't want people to celebrate but I'm not a big-party person) so it's not a time consuming thing. I wanted to make them originally but then we ended up with a crazy guest list and I was all, fuck that. And then we cut the list in 3/4 and now I get to make them again. My brother off-handedly suggested that they should be on this stationary that I have but the colours don't match so I'm getting some pretty stamps and some ink, and I'm reception invitation-ing up this place! ... whatever that means.