Monday, December 12, 2011

I Couldn't Sleep

Early this morning while trying to sleep (I got home at 4, for a change.) I was thinking about my wedding dress and how I originally thought that because of how informal it was I would be able to wear it anywhere afterwards. Then I realized that if I wear it anywhere with my family I'll have to hear stupid jokes about wearing my wedding dress out and blah blah blah. Except it won't be limited to my family. His family will do it too. :sigh: Such are the problems of coming from a sarcastic family and marrying into another one.

I also remembered that I totally wore white to a wedding once, completely by accident. I actually only realized last night (this morning) when I was thinking about my other white (ish) dress. It has flowers and stuff on it and it might be an off-white, but still... nobody called me on it either. There was no mention of it from anyone. I wonder if anybody even noticed... I've always been curious about that. Shouldn't everyone be looking at the bride anyway? Nobody should even know if a guest is wearing white, unless that guest takes a picture with either the bride or groom. In which case, just Photoshop her dress a different color.

Coming Soon: out of context texts from my husband.

Because I think he's funny and everyone has to suffer my terrible sense of humor.

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