Monday, December 31, 2012

The Embrace of Love and Resistance

It had been awhile since I posted anything recently, which obviously meant that one of the three people who read this had to send me a text asking why for, so that I would get back to work regaling them (as well as a small portion of Russia, apparently) with the details of my super-awesome-exciting-day-to-day-life.

Things that have happened recently:

  • Finally got the library job! It was confirmed about two weeks ago, I don't start until mid-January, and I have to dress like I give a damn (thank fuck). I also had to a write a formal letter of acceptance, which I wasn't even sure how to do. I get the general concept, it's pretty self-explanatory, but they really emphasized the acceptance letter so I asked my good friend Google about it and Google was like, 'don't be a dumb bitch, Storm, read this article.' And so I did.
  • Finished the collection of short stories! Sort of. I finished some of the stories, wrote just over 50,000 words total, but didn't write 13 different stories. As I predicted, a few of the stories and I got along better than some of the others and I focused more on those ones, because the ideas came easier. Then I re-read my work, and decided I fucking hated it. So I deleted almost as many words as I had written and I'm starting from scratch.
  • We hosted Christmas Eve! And it went pretty well, if I do say. I'm quite proud of Jeremy and myself. He got really drunk, I, surprisingly, did not. Also had alcoholic eggnog for the first time ever. It kinda tastes like cough syrup.

Since it's New Years Eve, (you guys it's freaking New Years Eve) I feel like I should write about resolutions or some nonsense, but I don't make resolutions. So here's this instead: 

Storm's Continued Happiness Plan

Live every day being a little kind, being a little selfish, giving a crap, not giving a crap, being angry, being hopeful, wanting more, being happy with what you have, loving some things with all your heart, loving some things just a little bit, not loving some things at all, wanting to change the world in any way possible, wanting to make a difference, accepting that you probably won't make a difference but trying anyway, always doing your best, not really trying at all, being honest with yourself and with others even if it means hurting someone (but don't intentionally hurt others with honesty), and most importantly, live every day like it's your life. Cause it is.

And now, some insight from Jack London that always makes me feel like I should be shouting from mountain tops, or being badass in slow-motion.

I would rather be ashes than dust!

I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot.

I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.

I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.

I shall use my time.

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