Sunday, January 1, 2012

I Do Not Know What 'Auld Lang Syne' means.

Okay so I was going to post about the Vacation movies, and I even have a draft saved of that blog, but then I just got really lazy this past week. I was off from 5 am Wednesday morning until, well I'm still off actually, and I was online for a pretty good amount of that time, and I just did not do anything with the blog. And then Friday we went to down to Columbus to my brother's for New Years Eve. Naturally while there I also did not do any blogging, as evidenced by this being the most recent post since before Christmas. I was going to talk about other stuff, like how my job now completely blows it again, but apparently I have to talk about my holiday. Cause my brother's wife wants to read about my Christmas, even though she celebrated it with me. Maybe she got drunk and blacked out afterward and can't remember it. Anyway, here's a rundown:

  • December 23rd: Jeremy and I open presents, I get super amazing gifts, he gets what I thought were super amazing gifts but evidently are just 'pretty cool' gifts. What a dick. Also, go to calling hours for a relative of a friend of the family.
  • December 24th: Christmas with my side of the family, including my apparently super drunk sister-in-law. More awesome gifts exchanged, funny zingers tossed out ("Oh nice, actually"), brunch buffet with tiny pancakes enjoyed, and I make punch following a supposedly German recipe that has a lot of wine, a lot of rum, and very little actual flavor. Cody and dad drink almost literally all of it. Troopers.
  • December 25th: Christmas with Jeremy's side of the family, we get a blender, a fire-safe, and I get a cake pop maker. Guess who's bringing dessert next year? This girl! Then we go to Christmas at other friends house who also lives in Salem (where we were for his side of the family). I get a transforming stuffed Perry the Platypus. Jeremy get s a Boba Fett helmet to go with the Boba Fett hoodie he received the day before. The helmet, built for a child, astonishingly fits Jeremy's obnoxiously large head.
To culminate the holiday season, as I mentioned earlier, we went to Columbus and got drunk with my brother and his wife. Mum came with us but she doesn't drink so she just nursed her O'Douls like a pro. I like to think she'll remember it, but likely I'll have to post something about that. So here:

  • Saw the movie New Years Eve, on New Years Eve (naturally).
  • Ate at Wholly Joe's
  • Dressed up all pretty
  • Played board games that resulted in hilarity
  • Got increasingly more drunk as the night wore on
  • At midnight, blasted a glass of champagne at my sisters urging even though she bailed like a pussy cause she underestimated the fizziness of it.
  • Drove home the next day, today, with zero problems with the Jeep (unlike the last time when we literally broke down on the highway but managed to crawl to a gas station to get towed to a Good Year and had to spend the night again cause no place was open to fix the belt and water pump.)
So, there ya go. My holiday.

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