Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another Work Rant - cause I really effin' hate that place

I hate working on the weekend. I hated it even before Saturday and Sunday became the only two days that Jeremy and I could actually spend the day together. Something about it just seems off to me. I'm not saying businesses shouldn't be open on the weekend, cause I want to see a movie, or shop, or get food. I'm just saying I shouldn't work on the weekend. I should sleep in (which is really only till 8-ish, I'm an early bird), and not have to be in a rush to shower and look presentable. On both days, not just Sunday. (Sunday is Jeremy's lazy day. He has absolutely no interest in doing anything that doesn't directly involve hanging out on the couch or eating food. Most Sunday's he doesn't even shower.) But ever since my stupid job made it seem like it was my fault I wasn't getting hours I have to work weekends now. HAVE to. No joke, I was told I have to be available on Saturdays and they already have me on most Sundays. So now my days off fall in the middle of the week. Yay! I get to hang out by myself like a loser cause all my flaky friends are in school or have other flaky friends to hang out with and my husband has a real job, unlike me. Who is still working in retail. Despite my intelligence, quick learning, adaptability, people skills (when I have to have them), and blah blah blah.

The most irritating part about all of this jerking me around at work is that they say it's my fault cause I'm the system for a specific position which only has off store hours. So the computer won't schedule me past a certain time. Somehow, I'm to blame for entering myself in the position even though I don't have clearance to do that. And somehow, after being offered full-time, I wasn't changed in the system to allow for that. But it's my fault. Except my availability says that I can't work past 11 am on Sundays. So naturally I was scheduled from 2-7 tomorrow night. I feel like there's a blatant flaw in their making me seem like the idiot. So I changed my availability Thursday but it didn't take so I went in yesterday and changed it again. While in the store, before I even got to the backroom, my name was hollered across the store and I was asked by a supervisor (or something) if I was visiting or if I wanted to work. And she meant immediately. Not like in a few hours, or later that evening. She wanted me to walk into the backroom, clock in, not put on my name tag cause some dumb fuck keeps stealing it from out of my locker, and get on the floor. I have shit to do! And then when I said no she was right on my case, 'do you want to work tomorrow? please? we'd really appreciate it and I'll love you forever.'

Ya know what? When you're asking an employee to pick up a shift, don't make it sound like you're asking them to let you borrow that dress you really like for a date tonight. It is juvenile and unprofessional, you small irritating children. Also unprofessional is asking me to clock in every time I come in to shop. Especially when I'm with people, more importantly when I'm with my mother and you don't know if I've driven here separately or if now I have to ask her if she wouldn't mind coming back in four hours to pick me up cause everyone else I know has a fucking life and it doesn't revolve around their job or my job. You are needy, work. Needy, and you make me feel guilty when I can't come in, or when I just don't fucking want to because you plan poorly. Constantly. You always under schedule then you plague me with calls to come in. And when I can't make it in to pick up those four hours you suddenly have free and you knew I liked the hours (correction: I do not like the hours, I like paying bills on time, and I know that girl was a no-show cause you said so in your voicemail. That's not a courtesy, that's you trying to cover your ass.) I'm the bad guy who's bringing her poverty on herself.

I hate you. And I want to quit. But no one else seems to be interested in hiring me. I deeply regret not taking that job at Wal-Mart, and that's a sentence I never thought I would have to say. And for that I hate you more.

So naturally, I said I would work today. Cause I hate that place so frickin' much, but not quite as much as student loan people calling me half a dozen times a day. They're almost tied in my hatred honestly.

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