Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Look Into My Writing Process...

Sometimes when I'm at work and I have an hour left in my shift and not a lot of product left to put out, I often find myself wondering if I can stretch out the placement for the entire 60 minutes.

That's just an example of how much I don't care about my job.

I never do actually take as long as possible of course, cause if I were bad at my job then I wouldn't be able to judge everyone else for being lazy and inefficient. Which is a favorite past time of mine.

I've been thinking of wearing skirts to work. And if you know what my job is you know how stupid it would be for me to wear a skirt. Climbing ladders and shit all the time. But I do love wearing skirts and dresses. And outside of work, I don't really go anywhere. So I'm basically just sitting around my house, brain-warping on my laptop or watching Netflix, looking spiffy as heck. And nobody gets to see it.

I had this idea for a play today. It's about a guy who goes into an exotic pet store, it's a well-known front for drug dealing and the like, but the guy doesn't know that. So he goes in and he's looking for some exotic bird, and the name of the bird (I don't have that yet) is the codeword for wanting to buy drugs. And when said drugs are brought to the guy that's the exact time the cops bust the store, naturally. Hijinks ensue in the second act, but I haven't fleshed that out yet.

There's an exotic drug store on the corner of our street that we're pretty sure is a front for some kind of drug trafficking. I honestly don't know where I get my ideas from.

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