Monday, December 31, 2012

The Embrace of Love and Resistance

It had been awhile since I posted anything recently, which obviously meant that one of the three people who read this had to send me a text asking why for, so that I would get back to work regaling them (as well as a small portion of Russia, apparently) with the details of my super-awesome-exciting-day-to-day-life.

Things that have happened recently:

  • Finally got the library job! It was confirmed about two weeks ago, I don't start until mid-January, and I have to dress like I give a damn (thank fuck). I also had to a write a formal letter of acceptance, which I wasn't even sure how to do. I get the general concept, it's pretty self-explanatory, but they really emphasized the acceptance letter so I asked my good friend Google about it and Google was like, 'don't be a dumb bitch, Storm, read this article.' And so I did.
  • Finished the collection of short stories! Sort of. I finished some of the stories, wrote just over 50,000 words total, but didn't write 13 different stories. As I predicted, a few of the stories and I got along better than some of the others and I focused more on those ones, because the ideas came easier. Then I re-read my work, and decided I fucking hated it. So I deleted almost as many words as I had written and I'm starting from scratch.
  • We hosted Christmas Eve! And it went pretty well, if I do say. I'm quite proud of Jeremy and myself. He got really drunk, I, surprisingly, did not. Also had alcoholic eggnog for the first time ever. It kinda tastes like cough syrup.

Since it's New Years Eve, (you guys it's freaking New Years Eve) I feel like I should write about resolutions or some nonsense, but I don't make resolutions. So here's this instead: 

Storm's Continued Happiness Plan

Live every day being a little kind, being a little selfish, giving a crap, not giving a crap, being angry, being hopeful, wanting more, being happy with what you have, loving some things with all your heart, loving some things just a little bit, not loving some things at all, wanting to change the world in any way possible, wanting to make a difference, accepting that you probably won't make a difference but trying anyway, always doing your best, not really trying at all, being honest with yourself and with others even if it means hurting someone (but don't intentionally hurt others with honesty), and most importantly, live every day like it's your life. Cause it is.

And now, some insight from Jack London that always makes me feel like I should be shouting from mountain tops, or being badass in slow-motion.

I would rather be ashes than dust!

I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot.

I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.

I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.

I shall use my time.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Short Post

Received a text from a friend today that I haven’t spoken to in a few weeks that said something pretty remarkable: 
“I would like to thank you for befriending me back in high school when I was awkward and you were cool.”
It meant a lot to me. More than I could put into words. Here this whole time I was thinking I was the one that people were being kind to, turns out we’ve been sharing in the kindness. That’s a pretty fantastic thing.
What do you say to something so humbling? I think I came up with a pretty good response:
“I’m a super awkward person yet somehow people still want to be associated with me, so thanks for being one of those people.”
Here’s hoping we always have people in our lives that make us feel like heroes and humble us at the same time.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Yesterday was my last at my old job. I haven't gotten the library job yet but I did get a seasonal position somewhere so not only do I not have to deal with all the bullshit at the other place but I also still have some money coming in. I just got tired of constantly working myself to exhaustion every day for such little reward. So I'm taking the next month and a half to make a meager living at the new job, write, worry about holiday decorations and what we're having for dinner at Christmas, and also not have to work overnights. I hate working overnights.

I haven't reached my halfway point for my novel, but I'm almost at 20,000 words so with all the downtime I'll have the rest of this week (I don't work again until Friday) I'm feeling pretty confident about finishing in early December, which isn't the goal, but I would still be satisfied with it.

I think Christmas is becoming my favorite holiday. Obviously I love Halloween. But since July or August this year, I have been so excited for December. I don't know why. I'm just really looking forward to decorating, and seeing the tree, and baking. I'm most excited to make decorations this year. I have so many ideas. Ever since Ashley got me into Pinterest back in about March, I've been spending hours on the site looking at the DIY and Crafts page. And I cannot wait until I can start making things. I'm making gifts for the families this year, ornaments for the tree... When I walked into Target the other day to get dog food I saw the holiday stuff out and I got all giddy. They had the display of Christmas CD's where you can hear snippets of tracks and I heard Bing Crosby singing and I just felt so full of creativity and goodwill. It was amazing. And it made absolutely no sense to me. I was baffled by it.

So I'm really looking forward to this holiday that seems to have brainwashed me in the span of a 30-second snippet of music.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Writer's Life for Me (a glance at my approach)

Yesterday I spent basically eight hours trying to meet my word goal for the day, and coming up with literally nothing. By the time Jeremy got home at about five I had written a grand total of, nothing. It was very upsetting. Than I remembered that I had started a story about a young monster hunter and her dad, and she's supposed to meet this other monster hunter and is skeptical because blah blah blah, and I had written two chapters and then put it to rest because my writing style is to write when I have the idea regardless of how well formed it is or is not, and when the words stop that's when I stop. I don't force myself to write because then I never like what I say. I also never outline.

A lot of my stories are about 800 words and then they just don't go on anymore. The story just stops. I stopped one in the middle of a sentence. I'm really excited to get back into that one, but first I have to figure out what's up with the dog. There's one about a mother and daughter and they're perfectly similar and dissimilar at the same time, but there's something going on with the mother and I can't figure out what it is, or why they're estranged yet they live in the same house and see each other every day and interact like friends.

This is what I mean. I never force it. I barely even take the time to really think about it. It's like a movie starts playing in my head, and I see the words so I write them down because I know they'll be important, but then the movie stops. I want to know what happens, but I don't skip ahead to the end of a movie or a book. I keep watching or reading and eventually the story unfolds and everything makes sense.

Back to the point. Last night I started copying the monster hunter story from my notebook, (I write every story longhand initially until one day I start typing it up and sometimes I'll go back to the notebook but more often I end up just adding new ideas to the digital version.) and by the time I had finished typing up what I already had and what I had added when inspiration struck me, I had ended up well over my goal for yesterday. Unfortunately because I had three days where I wrote maybe 100 words total, my expected completion date is now in early December. Which isn't so bad.

Yes I would love to have started and finished an entire novel in one month, but that isn't entirely realistic when you consider that I've never started and finished an entire novel in my whole writing career. (I guess not career, because I've never been paid for any of my work, or published except for that one really crappy poem I wrote when I was 11.) I thought I had once but then when I read it again it actually ended on a cliff-hanger and I had started a sequel (at 14, how precocious) but never finished it. It was meant to be a two-part story about angels and god and folklore and shit. I still have every intention of returning to it. I'm just waiting for the words to show up.

So the new goal is to try my very best, which is actually quite impressive, to finish this collection by November and spend December editing. But I will not beat myself up and agonize over it if I do not meet that goal. If it takes me until early December as currently indicated, then it does. I refuse to rush the words. And in the future, when I'm signing a contract with a publishing house, I'll make sure to include in the language that even though we may have a publication date set, it is very subject to change. They'll be cool with it cause people will love my work. The important people though. People like me who read and write because if we don't we'll go mad with our insatiable curiosity to discover new worlds and people and actions, or mad with all these words bouncing around in our heads, pinging off the sides and crashing into one another and making our bodies rattle with the vibrations of it all and generally causing a ruckus.

Here's a snippet from one of the stories, Warrior, about a race of men created only to engage in impossible battles on behalf of the human race. When the battle is won, they're put to sleep until they're needed again. They're handled by an organization called The Argus Initiative, which is constantly at odds with the enemy (duh), calling itself The Hermes Division (again, duh).




We'll see.

The first question you ask is how long have you been dead. The pause that follows as your teammates try to find the most suitable response leaves you feeling troubled. You touch your neck, your fingers groping for something; a chain perhaps, a scarf? But no, nothing. Your mind has gone blank briefly in your quest because they’ve answered your question after a suitable, dramatic, whispered discussion. You remember suddenly what you were searching for on your neck and why you can barely recall the faces, let alone names, of your colleagues as your fingertips find the scar; the one that you wear around your throat like a choker. The one that healed quite well actually, considering… The dark haired one, with darker skin and bright eyes that you’ve seen on another face, has answered you. Her voice is husky, like a purr, very low and dulcet, ladylike and with an unrecognizable accent. You have been dead for more than two centuries. Something happens and things go black. Story of your life.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Being Less Than Awesome

Had a freak out yesterday. At precisely 8:00 last night, I checked the time on my phone and felt my heart drop. I hadn't written a single word. The goal is to write, according to the graph on the website, 1,667 words a day to total 50,000 words by the end of the month. Thursday and Friday combined I wrote over 6,000, which you would think would mean I was on a super awesome streak. But no. All day yesterday at work, buying groceries, driving home, making dinner, I couldn't think of a single damn thing to write. There are 13 different stories in my so-called 'novel' and I couldn't think one effing word to put in any of them. I am angered.

This is my profile on the site, I don't know if it'll actually take you to it if you don't have an account, but if it does, then keep checking back in to see how I progress. (You'll only see the word count.) If you see the numbers haven't changed in a day or so, then I have obviously given up any hope of ever being a successful author and it would be helpful if you sent me a message, or text, or whatever and said 'hey Storm, don't be such a failure. you're making the rest of us humans look bad to any possible alien invaders.' (It's a thing.)

Today's goal is going to be small. Today's goal is 100 words. I've exceeded my goal for the first two days, and since yesterday was such a disgrace (I am very disappointed in myself.) I'm going to tone it down a bit, and try for mediocrity instead of excellence. It's a sad thing when you have to tone down your awesomness, but when the awesomeness isn't coming then you must accept your temporary less-than-awesomness.

Such is my life.

In much brighter news, my last day of work is the 17th. I'll be moving on to other things. Not the library yet, but the library is taking forever. I'll wait that long, and gladly, but in the meantime I'm going to start doing things to better my life. Step one is leaving a part-time job. Step two to be determined.

I made cinnamon coffee bread this morning. That's the end of that story.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I Spent Two Hours Trying to Remember How to Say 'day' in Spanish.

(Then I looked at the calendar, where it is plainly written.)
I know yesterday was the last day of October, and therefore the last day of Bold Moves October, but I made my super-big-awesome-bold move today. One that, like that other one I mentioned vaguely, I also cannot discuss in great detail yet. It's a step, in a long line of steps. But things are progressing. I'm excited and terrified. The best things to be if you're going to be two strong things at the same time.

Today however marks the beginning of National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo, as I've seen it bandied about on the internet.) I believe last year I found a variation of this, and it was blog writing, where you write a blog every day. That is tiresome. I also don't have a novel planned. But I have that collection of short stories and I'm starting with that. Often times I find myself thinking of a concept for a novel and I start writing this grand piece, never an outline of course because god forbid I be a little bit organized. Then I hit a wall and I wait years before I go back to it. I have this one concept that I've been working on for over a decade now. I'm twenty four. Let that sink in for a moment. Imagine how awesome those first drafts must be. Just imagine. I don't have to. I've seen them. They pain me. But I can't throw them out because their are parts of each draft that I'm so hopeful about. I keep them aside in a cabinet, in the hopes that a story is in some magical way like wine and that the longer I let it ferment the better, and stronger it will become. Unless it becomes some retard-strong thing like a Frankenstein monster and tries to kill me. God I can only hope to write something so moving that it annihilates my private life forever.

Since the novel thing isn't a main goal for me right now, I'm just going to keep on trucking with the collection and see what happens. Maybe one of them turns into a full-length novel. Maybe I just finish the set and have a collection of short stories to shop around and get rejected a million times before someone is finally like, 'I'll take a chance on this.'

Bit of advice I found myself jotting down the other day: Write the story first. Then worry about whether people will read it. They will. There's always an audience. It may not be as big as I want but that isn't why I write. It's important to remember that.

Write the story first.

So that's what I'm trying to do.

Options for the first line of a new story, with the working title 'Dead Poet'.

  • You will always be hungry.
  • The blood welled up to a tiny little bead on her fingertip where she had pricked it.
  • Outside the window soft flurries of snow are settling on castle ruins that nobody could bear to have torn down, or maybe they just couldn't be bothered.
  • Everything I know about being a ghost, I learned from Beetlejuice and Pac-Man.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I just woke up from a nap on the loveseat in my library. It was awesome. I opened my bleary eyes after a natural hour and immediately my gaze upon my rows of books. I wish I could properly convey how happy books make me, so that you would better understand the joyful, relaxed feeling that washed over me. It's also been one of the few times I've taken a nap and it hasn't somehow lasted four hours. Every time I try to rest for a bit after work, I drift off with the intent of it only being for half an hour at most. Then I wake up, feel warm and snuggly but also a little chilled, and burrow further into my blanket and pillow. Being cold always makes me sleepy, which I've recently discovered is a response not many people have. Maybe it's my body trying to accept death. Oh god, maybe it's my body trying to accept death! My body is trying to kill me!

Today at work it was brought to my attention that my supervisors received a reference form to fill out for me from the library, which yes I've still been interviewing for. I was going to mention something to these supervisors, specifically the store manager (who I actually thought was the only person I had to tell directly, but I suppose not?) when I had something more concrete from the library. As it is, a position will more likely be open in January, or sometime shortly after the new year. (This one seems more definite than before.) But since it won't be until January I didn't feel compelled to talk to people at work yet. Then Sunday evening I got a text from one of the other references I used telling me she had gotten a reference form so I decided I would ask at work if they gotten one yet. Before I did, a coworker mentioned to me that one of the supervisors had asked him if he knew anything about me getting a job somewhere else. He did not. Which was true because I hadn't gotten a job somewhere else. This is how I learned that they had received the reference form, and not because a supervisor had asked me. I'm a little irritated about this.

Fair, I should have mentioned to them that a letter would be coming. In my defense I went in to the library Wednesday and since the position wouldn't be open until January I didn't see the need to say anything yet, because again I was waiting for something more definite from the library. Additionally, I was under the impression that I only had to give two weeks notice, not two months (more or less) so even the position would be available this time next month, I would still have no obligation to say anything yet. What I'm irritated about is the way they received this new information and how they responded to it. Instead of directly asking me, calling me when the letter arrived saying 'hey Storm, this letter came is there anything you want to discuss?' to which I could have said, 'oh yes, I've been looking for a new job and it won't be available until after the holidays' they discussed it amongst themselves first. Then discussed it with other employees second. And only discussed it with me third, when I brought it to their attention.

If you are going to enquire about an individuals continued employment, then speak directly to the individual in question. Do not question her coworkers in some kind of lazy, half-assed interrogation so that you can, I assume, have some kind of ammunition against her when she does come to you with her two weeks notice. This feels like it was handled very poorly, and very unprofessionally. If I had known in any way that this is how this news was going to be received, I would not have used the reference. I would have found someone else who would have handled the situation better. Someone who, instead of making me feel like I was some kind of criminal for wanting to better myself and my financial situation, would have cheered on my success and encouraged my endeavours, regardless of whether I did not tell them two months in advance that I may possibly have a new job. I will learn from this experience and in the future, I will not make the same mistake.

A few days ago I shared a short post showing off my terrific new haircut and color. I'm crazy about it. Absolutely crazy about it. The color I'm not overly concerned with but it is autumn and it needed to be darker. Honey blonde wouldn't have been bad, but sometimes when I go for a change, I just go big. Really that's the only way to go. So I went from sun-bleach blonde (though it was from a bottle, and not actually bleached, just very light blonde) and almost two feet long (no joke) to medium (read mousy) brown and approximately ten inches from root to tip. You guys, it feels amazing. Every morning I wake up and it looks awful cause there's no way to sleep to keep it from getting out of control, and I look in the mirror before my shower and I think 'good lord, what did you do?' and then I remember, 'oh yeah, I hacked off my hair and died it the color of mud.'

I love it so much. It's still long enough that I can curl it, I can flip it, I can just throw some leave in conditioner in it and let it do it's thing. It's naturally wavy, how terrific is that? None of this super straight, or spirally curly crap. Just a happy medium. You could never see it when it was longer because it's insanely thick and the weight of it just pulled out the wave out. You could see at the ends though, where it kind of curled, that it was trying. Oh god was it trying. But it just couldn't do it. So I helped it out a little. I seriously love it so much. I keep wanting to take pictures of it, cause I'm so proud of how it looks. It's still a little dry, because I've destroyed it recently with constant coloring and not enough conditioning, but it's soft and fluffy and still has the waves. If I let it air dry, I get little spiral curls at the base of my neck. They're super cute. I'm sincerely in love with my hair.

Since my hair was over ten inches, I'm going to donate it. Except I wanted to do it as a selfless act and there's no real way to do that because people keep asking me if I donated it. I want to say no, but then I like when people think I'm a good person, so I say yes. Of course. Also, Locks of Love gives you the option of being recognized for your good deed of giving a little boy or girl a sweet head of hair, and they make it seem like you would be considered a bad person for not wanting to be recognized. So when I get paid tomorrow I'm going to mail my hair to Locks of Love, and have them recognize my charitable acts. Sometimes things you do to feel good about yourself have to be done publicly. (That's not true, but I do like being recognized positively because I'm selfish and needy. Who isn't sometimes?)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bold Moves continued (short post)

I had this done recently. I wanted a change. So I made a change.

Also, the appointment went extremely well. On the other hand, I have to go to another appointment. Sometimes I worry they're just stringing me along but then I remember how fantastic life will be if everything continues to go well with this. So I shut the hell up and wait patiently.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Off For the Weekend

Got a call yesterday about an appointment that I've trying to schedule for the past three or four months, approximately. They have an opening Wednesday and since I've been waiting as long as I have I went ahead and made the appointment, which was stupid on my part because I hadn't gotten my schedule yet. Yesterday was Thursday, by the way, in case you weren't there for it. So with three days left in the work week I still didn't know when I might be free the very next week. This is how it works though. The schedule generally gets sent out on Thursdays, so by mid afternoon that day I usually know if I'm able to make plans for Saturday night cause I'll know if I'm off on Sunday or not. Or when I can make plans at all for the following week. But since I hadn't received my schedule yet, and since I had been off the past three Wednesdays (or more), I went ahead and set the appointment for Wednesday morning at 9:15.

Guess what showed up in my inbox at precisely 2:01 in the morning?

Next weeks work schedule.

Guess who works Wednesday morning?

Storm does.

So now I have to call and see how the long everything will take, so I can see if I can go to lunch an hour early (I work 5-2), and hope that I can make it downtown and back and that everything goes well within an hour. It has to be less than hour actually, cause I have to be back at work before the hour is up.

Of course I would attempt to make plans to better my life and the universe would shit on them. Because the universe secretly, and sometimes not at all secretly, hates all of us and will do everything it possibly can to destroy us. The universe is a mean bitch and it is not to be trusted.

Today's bold move will come with photos, but later in the day. (I'm very excited about it.) Now I have to pretend I'm packing clothes for a trip. By pretend I mean make a sincere effort, but end up just throwing whatever I think doesn't make me look like a chubby girl in a suitcase. We're going to my brother's today after Jeremy gets out of work and his wife is super thin and always has good skin and it makes me angry/sad to stand next to her. To be fair, she works out and eats well, so she's earned it. Meanwhile I eat whatever's in reach, or easiest to make, and maybe intentionally exercise about twice a week. Which explains my chubbiness and my bad skin. Who has acne at twenty-four? It's sad really.

You know that feeling when you look in the mirror and see all of your flaws and then you go out in public and you think that everyone else can see them too and is disgusted by them? That's me. Two-four-seven. Every time I come in contact with another person, I am always acutely aware of how I look. Frizzy hair, pudgey midsection, stupid little acne spots all up on my forehead, dark circles under my eyes and not from lack of sleep just the awesomness of having sinus problems, my bangs doing that stupid thing where they're kind of wavy/curly but still trying to straighten themselves out so it just looks like I slept on that section of hair alone even though I washed my hair that morning. So many little flaws that up close look like a lot of little flaws but far away... look like one big flaw. Being near pretty, fit girls always makes me hate myself a little bit more. Being near pretty, fit, and smart girls always makes me want to punch god in the throat. That fucker has got a lot of nerve. It isn't enough that they're pretty? They have to be smart too? Come on man, give some of us a break. You're leaving me with nothing but my sense of humor. Do you know how many people actually get my humor? Cause I do and that number is not high. Not high at all.

Now I don't think I'm absolutely hideous to behold or anything, I'm not like the Elephant Man where people would shrink away in horror, but sometimes I do get so down on myself that if people ever did I wouldn't hold it against them. I'd be like, yeah that makes sense. But this is why pretty girls should only be pretty. I'm very intelligent, I had to be cause I'm not exactly a beauty but that's okay because again, I'm very intelligent and since my humor doesn't really get through to people, I don't have much else to impress and astound the masses. So I need the hot chicks to tone down their intelligence. They're making it impossible for me to be seen and heard.

This is all coming from a week full of smacks in the face from reality. I had that moment where you look at a group of people and realize they've just been talking about you but you don't know if it was positive or negative and then you immediately look away and they start laughing and it's really hard not to think they're laughing at you. I seem to have gained weight but my scale doesn't show it, my clothes just make me look like a sausage. The best smack in the face though, and by the way this is the most sure-fire way to totally annihilate a girls confidence if you're in the market for that, was yesterday at work when the other short, blonde girl was referred to as the hot one. It wasn't a side by side comparison or anything, because I would've lost anyway, but I was nearby and someone was looking for the other girl (the hot one) and someone else said, she's the tiny hot blonde. To be fair though, I suppose I could be the chubby hot blonde but nobody says it because they'd still be calling me chubby. Sometimes I really hate all of existence.

Except Jeremy.

"Whenever I would say, 'kill all humans' I'd always think, 'except one.'" That's a little Futurama for you. Enjoy that.

Monday, October 8, 2012

My Morning So Far

In an attempt to keep out the autumn chill while still not turning our furnace on, I went around this morning and locked up all the windows, so as little air as possible can get in, without having to bring down the storm windows. Cause that is an annoying process. All of the windows are absolutely shitty in our apartment. There is no rope and pulley system in a single one of them, so opening and closing is a feat of physical strength.

In some cases, the library and kitchen, it is a display of clever cunning and agility. Most of them you can just push the top up and it doesn't completely drag the bottom up with it. Except for the ones in the bedroom and the library. Those ones you have to push up and down with the same amount of pressure at the exact same time. I do this by myself and I am always impressed with my own upper body strength, cause there isn't really a lot there.

The kitchen window is really fun cause I can only open and close it if there are no dishes in the sink. Which is to say, I have to stand in the kitchen sink in order to open or close the window. If a sudden chill comes in after a few warm days, I can often be found just toughing it out. I'll leave a sweater on the chair by the kitchen door in case I need to go in there for anything. As it's a kitchen, I often have to go in there for things.

The window in our bedroom that we actually open, (there are two, but one has never had a screen in it, ever) is one of the ones where you have to two do actions at once. So after I locked up all the other windows, minus the kitchen because I haven't done the dishes yet, I went into the bedroom. Since the library windows were fairly easy I should have known the streak wouldn't last. And I'll be damned if it didn't. Cause while I was pushing the top portion up, and holding the bottom portion down, a fun and exciting thing happened. (And not, on the way to the forum.)

What you are looking at, in case you haven't somehow already managed to piece it together, is the splintered remnants of my bedroom window. So when I was busy trying to keep the cold out, I must have gotten distracted, hulked out, and broke the fuck out of my window. AND, it was still cracked open near the top. So not only had I cracked the window, I hadn't even managed to close it. I had to tape it up, and that awesome patch job can be seen below, as well as IN MY GODDAMN BEDROOM.

Please note the super classy piece of cardboard, because I wasn't able to cobble the other shards of glass back into a discernible piece of window that could be taped together. We don't even drink Labatt. That box is from the time we bought two six packs of beer and the cashier at the state store was like, 'that handle looks like it's about to break off, here's a box for your booze, ya crazy drunks.' With a super judgey tone.

So now I get to call my landlord and be like, hey! Stop owning a shitty apartment! I get that our rent is fairly cheap, but for god's sake man, this is absurd. I always feel like I call him with problems all the time, but on the other hand, if he wouldn't do shitty quick fixes, we wouldn't have this problem.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Seeing Movies Alone

I just rinsed face wash out of my eye. And that will likely be the final highlight of my day. Got up, went to work, saw a movie, saw some puppies, came home, washed my face, got face wash in my eye, rinsed it out.

Today my bold move was to see a movie by myself. Jeremy is away on a karate retreat sort of thing, and I'm by myself until tomorrow evening some time. Initially I decided to see a movie while he was gone, and go alone. Then I thought why not ask someone? I rarely hang out with people, I'm not really a friends kind of person I'm discovering, so seeing a movie with someone would be a good opportunity to remedy that fault in my character design. Then I read a post from the blog where I discovered BMO, and it challenged me to see a movie by myself this weekend. So I said to myself, self, you are excellent company. Let us enjoy a film together in a dark cinema where we can quietly make rude jokes about the people around us while also keeping up a humorous commentary on the film itself. And so I did.

I even got all cute and stuff, so as not to look like a total loser going to see a movie by herself. I dressed snappy and adorable, I put some eyeliner on. I even bought myself concessions, cause it was a proper date. My coat smells like popcorn and stale butter now though, which I don't recall ever happening before when I went to the movies with other people. So that's new and intriguing.

I saw Pitch Perfect, which I recommend if you like singing, cute females, cute story lines about friends and love interests, and Anna Kendrick (who is adorable).

I stopped by mom's afterward to see the new litter of puppies, of which I took no pictures. Their eyes aren't even open yet guys. Also, their ears. The little bitches can't even hear themselves whining like they're being abused when you pick them up. I get it, you don't like being lifted. Quiet down. They are kinda cute though, in a worm-puppy like way. I still like my full-sized dog better, but then I'm biased. We live together and she snuggles with me when I watch old movies that Jeremy won't watch cause they're in black and white. She's not phased by that. I'm not sure why...

When I went to take my eyeliner off, which is important to do because otherwise you fall asleep with it and then look disgusting and sloppy in the morning, I had to wash my face afterwards because the makeup remover is oily. That's how I ended up rinsing face wash out of my eye. Because I'm an idiot.

Let me tell you some more about going to the movies alone, since that was the important learning experience of my day. (Also, even if it's all natural, face wash in the eye still really burns. That was an important learning experience. Very important.) It isn't that bad. I kind of enjoyed it actually. Don't get me wrong, seeing a comedy with other people is part of what makes some of the jokes so funny. And if you're with other people you don't feel weird laughing at said jokes. That's one thing I kept coming back to while I sat there in the dark, the only person with no one near them. (Seriously, there weren't even people like, a few seats down from me.) Whenever I wanted to laugh at something, I found myself making a conscious effort to be very quiet about it. Laughing out loud with other people is expected, but laughing when you're by yourself almost comes off as a little crazy. I'm not sure why. If I saw someone in a theater laughing at a joke, I don't know that I would think to myself, 'that person's enjoying the movie' or 'that person is clearly unhinged, laughing at a movie they came to alone.' So naturally every time I laughed, I assumed everyone else who had seen me sitting by myself thought I was sad, crazy, and lonely. I would like to see more movies by myself to see if this constantly worrying what other people think about me while we all watch a movie in the same room even though none of us know each other can be overcome.

In that regard, I wonder if this constantly worrying what other people think of me in my day to day life can be overcome. It's exhausting always worrying about things you have no control over. It's also exhausting knowing you have no control over it, but trying to control it anyway because you're a control freak. Finally it's even more exhausting knowing you're a control freak and yet somehow you can't control that about yourself.

The mind is a terrible thing sometimes.

I brought my own candy into the theater. Important to note. Because I like pistachios and sugar-free candy. Know what the movie theater doesn't sell? Pistachios and GD sugar-free candy! I did buy a Diet Coke though, and I firmly put my foot down when they asked if I wanted to get a bajillion ounces more for only fifty cents. No one needs that much beverage during a two hour movie that they can't even pause so they can get up and pee! Because there's no way a person can drink that much liquid and not have to pee within two hours. Also, a comedy about a cappela singing groups in college is seriously two hours long. That part kinda blew my mind.

Still a good movie.

And a good outing.

Friday, October 5, 2012

More Bitching and Moaning

First day of Bold Moves October, I did not a damn thing. Second day, I shared part of a story with the handful of people who keep up with this blog. Third day. Not a damn thing. Fourth day. Still not a damn thing. And today, the fifth day of this magical Bold Moves month, I still haven't done a single goddamn bold thing. But I have a plan. It's a very delicate plan, and it requires a balance. If I discuss it further, the scales will tip and I'll be screwed. Like, super boned.

Until I can speak more openly on that, I will speak openly on everything else. Which is something I sincerely make efforts to do in my day to day life, but people make it really damn difficult. Everyone is always sensitive. People say they prefer honesty, but they're fucking liars and they just want you to lie to them in return. It's like they see it as them doing you a favor, by lying and not telling you how they really feel about things, so naturally they expect you to lie to them as well. They probably even expect you to lie to other people as well. Pay it forward, but in a really cynical and insincere way. So since I haven't made any additional bold moves, I'm instating a shiny new honesty system. That's my move.

Today, I boldly decide that from now on, I will try to be as honest as possible with people, without intentionally hurting their feelings. I will try very hard not to insult them in my efforts, but if it happens I will feel sorry, and I will try to express that. I will be sincere, and I will try to be helpful in my critique. Sometimes, most times, my honesty will likely all be very negative. However I will make a genuine effort to find a positive, in an attempt to counter-balance this. With that in mind, I will also make it a personal goal of mine to find ways to be honest and constructive without being unkind. Until I can do that, I will likely just come across as mean. It happens. I accept that.

While being honest, I would like to say that I have $10 in my saving account, and that is because I recently (today) moved $20 to my checking account to cover a payment coming out next week. So this morning, I had $30 in my savings account.

That is my life.

At work the other day, one employee was telling me that another employee was possibly leaving for a job with an annual income of $23,000.00. I said wow, and she said to me, "you think that's a lot?"

I cannot properly convey how she sounded when she said it across the internet and with only written word. This makes me incredibly sad and aggravated because now when I continue my bitching you won't quite understand where all my rage is coming from. Suffice it to say, she sounded very condescending. Thus my bitching continues:

Yes. Yes I do think that's a lot of fucking money. Do you know how many hours I work, and how much money I make? Because I damn well do, and I would be incredibly grateful to be making that much money. Oh, you started here making that much money? Good for fucking you. I did not. I started barely above minimum wage and it took me three years to get to the pay rate I have now. No, I don't have a bachelor's degree in whatever business bullshit you have. I only have an associates and it constantly seems to be one of the worst decisions I ever made. But I worked up to my measly rate, and maybe it did take me three years (three fucking years!) but I am actually proud that I was able to accomplish so little with so little training and formal education. No, I don't own my own house with a 30-year mortgage because I could never afford the down payment on anything because I'm busy blowing all my cash on bills and student loans. You aren't familiar with student loan payments because you were fortunate enough to have parents who were well off and who paid for your education. That must be nice. I didn't have that. Do you know what I made last year? I was barely into four digits. To file at the end of that stupid fucking year, and discover that all the mental and physical exhaustion of such a bullshit fucking job was for barely anything was humiliating, infuriating, and depressing. Yes, I do think making $23,000.00 a year is a lot of money. Yes, I realize that it actually is not. Yes, I think you are an awful person to speak to another human being in such a condescending and belittling tone. And where we work too, no less. Like it isn't enough for me to know that my job is crap and my title is meaningless and all the work I do is equally meaningless and to know that no one else there really gives a crap and that my work ethic is slowly being destroyed by constantly being surrounded by people who don't give a fuck but being made to feel like I should for some reason. On top of that, I have you making me feel like a fucking peasant. Fuck you. You're a terrible human being. I deserve better than to have to hear comments like that from people like you.

It's probably good not to be too honest sometimes, cause if I had actually said any of that I probably wouldn't have that shitty job. It really sucks to have to rely on something that provides so little and so much at the same time. While also sucking my will to live.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bold Moves

The internet has been telling me that October is unofficially Bold Moves October, and I've been wanting to make changes lately in my life. I hate the feeling that I'm not moving forward, particularly when I'm actually not moving forward. I get it, life, you don't have to smack me in the face with it.

I colored my hair blue.

That was supposed to be my big change, the thing that propels me to continue to make changes and take chances. And then not even a week later, the color was already fading. This did not bode well for my immediate future. My catalyst was already getting tired.

There were a few other things I wanted to do, not very drastic changes, but changes all the same that I wanted to make and things I wanted to do. But I kept finding reasons not to do them. I'm still finding reasons not to do them. That list of things I posted should have been a good indicator that I don't know what the hell I'm doing with my life, or what I want from it. So I'm trying to figure that out. And then maybe I'll be able to make changes. It's hard to know what changes will make a difference when you don't know what changes need to be made.

The first step I'm taking is making a concerted effort to finish writing at least one book. I'm making it easy on myself (because it appears to really fucking difficult for me to stay on track) and writing a collection of short stories. I have a title and everything.

13 Tales of Love + Revenge

I hate that it looks that way, but other variations were already taken. I considered changing the name but I really like how this one sounds. I'll be honest, I stole the title from an album by The Pierces, who everybody should check out. It's also technically fourteen stories because I'm including a prologue. I had the idea last year about this time but I was going to use song titles as story titles. Then I made that list and discovered that I have fourteen unfinished short stories. I will refer to this discovery as the eureka moment when I'm regaling audiences at the Q&A after my book readings.

In light of this resolve, I will also be forcing myself to be more secure with my work. And let people actually read it. How can I know if it's any good if nobody ever reads it? With that in mind, I will be sharing with you one of the incomplete short stories. (They're all incomplete, but some of them are seriously just titles. No body.) I wish you could understand how protective I am of my work, and how much bravado it's taking me to post even this one partial story. Sometimes even worse than worrying what people think when they read my work, is worrying that no one will read it at all. If you take the time to read it, please try not to be too critical. I'm a sensitive artist.

(Straight copy-and-pasted from OpenOffice, this shit is even dated. Boom.)



His callused hands were trembling when he finally put the shovel down. It had taken all night, and the sun would be up soon, but he had to do it. So he did. It made him sick just thinking about it, and so many times he wanted to drop the shovel and run. Leave the bag, the trunk, the jacket he had discarded when he got too warm, and just get the hell out of there. But he owed the lady a favor, and if nothing else could be said about John Sovereign, he at least paid his debts.

Seven years ago to the day John Sovereign had knocked on Lady Demain's door, disregarded all his pride and dignity, and shamelessly asked Lady for one hundred grand so that he could marry Sara Boudreaux. Lady Demain knew John's standing in town, poor but dependable, motivated and ambitious but again, poor, and money could accomplish a lot more than ambition. She also knew Sara's standing, as the daughter of the wealthiest man in town. Lady smiled at John and invited him in for tea.

John Sovereign is thirty-two when his daughter is born. He was hoping for a girl, unlike everyone else in his family, his wife included. She dies giving birth. It takes her all night and she does not go quietly. She sobs and screams well into the early morning hours and as the sun starts to rise she seems to finally expire. With the last of her strength she curses the baby Sovereign and gathers her soaked and bloody rags to her bosom, cradling them as she should have her child. Her maid leans in to check her pulse and is startled when the woman sits bolt upright suddenly and whips her rags across the room. She collapses back into the bed, finally gone, as the rags splash against the baby's crib with a moist slap and are left to pool at the floor. John, resting his eyes in a rocking chair beside the crib, leans forward to check on the girl. She's awake, but quiet. He smiles down at her and she stares back in wonder. As the sun pours through the window behind them he sees the blood that has spattered on her face. He reaches in to brush a few drops from her cheek and they leave a smear across her face. She looks like a tiny warrior, imposing and sedate. Baby Girl Sovereign remains quiet as he wipes the remaining blood from her. She has come into this world quiet and accepting and she stares at John with trust. So unlike her mother, who has left this world angry and bitter and throwing her blood back into it defiantly, at her own child no less. How dare this child be her demise. How dare this woman act as though she can seal this child's fate. John names her Michele, a gift from god. He reflects how, even clean of it now, in the morning sun she still looks as though she were covered in her mother's blood.

When John sees Lady again his beard is almost completely gray. He has lines all over his face; frown lines across his forehead, laugh lines around his mouth, crow's feet at the edges of his eyes. He's still as handsome as the first day he came to her door, hat in hand, shuffling his feet, swallowing nervously but never once not meeting her eye. His back is just as straight, his shoulders just as broad and strong, and his head is still held just as high. His eyes are still clear and they still meet Lady's unabashedly. But she sees in them now, more than anything else about him, just how old he really is. And oddly, despite the gray hair, all the lines in his handsome face, the almost ancient eyes; it's Lady that feels old. Looking at him, so shamelessly human, she can't help but be reminded of her own lacking humanity. She's reminded of her lustrous auburn hair, her beautiful and flawless skin, but more than anything when she looks into his eyes and sees all of his life, she is reminded of her own eyes. Empty. Lifeless. So devoid of a light of any kind they can't even seem sad. But Lady is sad. So very, painfully sad.
In an instant, from the door opening to seeing the startled look on Lady's face, John has fallen in love with her yet again. When she takes in his appearance he sees her expression change and no one else but John would ever notice it but he does, because he's John. He watches her go from startled, to appreciative, and to infinitely sad within moments. His heart pounds in almost unbearable agony and anger with equal measure. Agony in response to her own, anger in response to her suffering. He sees her eyes, so gray and dark, like an autumn sky before a snowfall. He takes in her face, so lovely and open, and he knows how she sees herself: eternally young and beautiful. And he sees that too, it's impossible to miss. She looks exactly the same as the first day they met, when he was much younger, many years ago. But he sees something else too. He sees how she hates knowing that she will always be young and beautiful. And he wants to make her see how he sees.
Lady seems to be waiting with bated breath. If she needed to breathe, John knows she certainly would be. She seems almost frightened. Then John smiles at her, and she would swear she melted. He takes a step forward, the toe of his shoe right against the threshold of the door. She hears the flutter of his heart and she can feel the warmth radiating off of him. Her eyes seem different now, still so dark and gray, but the sadness isn't as prominent. It's been replaced by something else, something she feels in every part of her. It's all over her face and looking at John she feels as if she were seeing an exact reflection of herself. It's the one thing she's never wanted anyone to see, even if she thought they could. No one but John. And she knows he does. Lady smiles back at him, so warm and inviting. John takes one more step.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sundry and Pointless Lists to Fill Time

Names Of Nail Polishes I've Mixed Together From Other Nail Polishes

  • And the Day Returns Too Soon
  • A Beautiful Little Fool
  • But a Mermaid Has No Tears
  • Flowers and Electric Shocks
  • Tarry Town
  • To Die Upon a Kiss
  • You Have Your Mother's Eyes

Not in order.

Titles of Short Stories I've Begun But Never Finished (in the last 3-4 years)

  • The Archer
  • The Argus Initiative
  • At the Pallidin
  • Bottles of Dark Liquid
  • Dark Universe
  • Dead Poet
  • Land
  • Longhand
  • Mad-Cap Time Traveler!
  • The Oblivion Text
  • Pale
  • Tattoo
  • Thou Art a Villain
  • Warrior

Things I Distinctly Recall Wanting to Be When I Grew Up

  • Teacher
  • In a girl band
  • Novelist
  • Poet
  • Librarian
  • Detective
  • Theatre Manager
  • Interior Decorator
  • Fashion Designer
  • Songwriter (for the girl band)
  • Professional Tea Taster (that was brief and when I first discovered Earl Grey, also I don't think it's a thing)
  • Ballerina

Various Colors My Hair Has Been

  • Auburn
  • Black
  • Blonde
  • Blue
  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Red
  • Very Red
  • Yellow
In an attempt to darken the very light blonde it had been I forgot about all the blue and it turned this color.

Books I'm Currently Reading

  • Cloud Atlas
  • The Edinburgh Dead
  • Expedition to The Mountains of The Moon
  • The Falling Machine
  • The Last Days of Madam Rey
  • A Lion Among Men
  • The Lord of The Rings
  • The Map of Time
  • Out of The Silent Planet
  • A Pleasure to Burn
  • Return of The Dapper Men
  • The Selection
  • Stardust

Said books. (Minus a few.)

I should really finish some of those books. Just like I should really finish writing some of those stories. I think I've sufficiently wasted enough time on these crap lists for one day.

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Hate My Face Sometimes

In my efforts to make my face presentable and not acne-riddled and mustachioed, I decided it would be wonderful to share the following with the known world. At least the world with internets and peculiar interests. So I present the following image:

What you are looking at are the various products I often slather across my mug so that you, the human race, are not forced to look upon me with a mixture of disgust and pity.

They consist of (from L-R)

  • a facial toner (straight witch hazel),
  • skin moisturizer
  • a face wash (Black Magic from One Hand Washes The Other (I urge you to check it out) )
  • hair remover, for my super-feminine mustache
  • acne treatment cream, for those pesky little whoppers that refuse to budge with just face wash
  • a peel off mask (Blackberry from Bath and Body Works. I love how it smells, and that it makes me look super racist, cartoons-mimicking-Al-Jolson-style)
  • an exfoliating face scrub (also Black Magic, and also as fantastic)
  • and finally, an aloe cream, which shall be applied thickly and with wanton disregard for what happens when I happen to drink too hastily, to my upper lip, after use of said hair remover cream (cause that shit can sting)
I have also included, for your benefit, a picture of me in my Al Jolson-style face mask.

Mammy, Mammy, Mammy!
(I had an itch. Don't judge.)

I do not use every item every day. That would be insane. Can you imagine how intense and thick and gross my mustache would have to be for me to use a hair remover, every morning? I would just join a circus at that point. Are they accepting mustachioed ladies or just bearded ladies? I could be the gentleman lady. Ooh story!

Anyway, I have shown you most of medicine cabinet. I do this in good faith. So that when you see me again, and I can only manage to look like this:

You will know that it was the best that I could do. And not consider me ghastly... Look how dry my hair is. It's seriously, so dry.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Previously on "Storm's Life"

I'm really excited for fall this year. I'm excited for it every year but this summer has had me in a pretty bad mood most days. I feel like I had a constant sinus headache from all the sudden temperature changes, the storms were ridiculous at our apartment and almost washed away Jeremy's car one day. (There's a small creek on our property. Well, not 'our' property, but where we live. The landlord's property.) The grass grew to epic lengths and the landlord took forever to cut it, making me hate taking the dog every time she had to go cause I was positive there was no amount of flea and tick guard in the world that would save her from the creek-grass and whatever was living in it, which I assume was pretty stuff. And that one cat kept creeping around and making eye contact when I said, 'hey, cat' but never came over to see me. Jerk. Oh, and our electric bill shot through the roof. Thanks, window air conditioner.

I'm also excited cause I've been obsessing over Pinterest ever since my sister told me about it early this year. I love making things. Homemade things, gifts, decorations, new clothes out of old clothes, etc. so obviously this was the place for me. Except I have a page of Likes of a bajillion various things, some easy, some not-so-easy, that I really want to dive into. Then my bank account reminds me that I have to wait another two weeks. This frustration at my creativity being stifled by money and the man (I guess the man?) is compounded by the fact that every time I walk into a craft store, I want to do every craft project they have on display. Autumn wreaths, Halloween wreaths (totally doing one, btdubs), painting artificial pumpkins, getting neat boxes to hide all our various odds and ends in the apartment, making Christmas decorations! (I am so pumped to make Christmas decorations. I've already started. I need ribbon. Do you have ribbon?) Except since the 'being an adult' thing happened, i.e. paying back student loans, when my paychecks come in, they aren't very helpful. So I've gathered all the assorted crafting items I have available and I'm going to make the most out of it until my hours pick up again. (They've declined recently since school started back up. Not as many families clearing out the denim walls. Selfish pricks.)

I've also started tie-dying. Sort of. We picked up dye in spray bottles and you just moisten (if you like) the area you're coloring and spritz. It's really easy. I re-did a dress and a tank top already. I'm currently waiting for a sock to air dry so I can set the color in the dryer. It needs to air dry because I don't want to get dye on my hands. Also a good reason for the spray bottles. Less clean up.

I recently got reTweeted by a band, The Silent Comedy, that I frickin' love. So that was my highlight for the week pretty much.

We're having Christmas at our apartment this year! My side of the family, and I'm really looking forward to it. Again, cause I get to make decorations and stuff, but also because there's so much more room since we got rid of the piano that I never played (or as Jeremy called it, The Musical Shelf). We're going to to get a tree, artificial cause I'm the only one that vacuums, and move the love seat out into the living room. I even have the movies picked out that are going to play in the background. Jeremy and I always watch two every Christmas: Love, Actually and Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang. So we'll watch those and I thought The Ref would go well with our family, I already know we all love it. I've considered A Nightmare Before Christmas but we should watch a Harry Potter cause I feel like we always watch at least one of them around Christmas in our family. Also, doesn't ABC Family do a marathon of them? Like, at every opportunity?

Plus since I finally cleared out all those excess dishes and glasses, there really is a lot of room everywhere. We even have serving plates! And proper mixing bowls! Not the double boiler pots I was using just the top pot of to mix up stuff, oh and cooking things! Like, a loaf pan. And a 9x13 pan. Yay for living like an adult and not a college kid, which I haven't been ever. I just have to downsize my folded wardrobe so we can get rid of a dresser, and get new bookshelves for the library so we can get the china closet out there and the apartment won't be god-awful anymore. Except for that mold issue, and all the other issues.

The door handle broke again so we just took out the latch bolt and put the handle back and we use the dead bolt. I hate our landlord. I don't even think he changed it when I got locked out and all that shit happened. I think he took it apart, and just put it back together. Classy guy, the landlord is.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stories and The Like

Let me start by saying that I had the best intentions for the past few days. I was going to make cookies, butterscotch ones to be precise, and clean out my basement, and clear out some of the ridiculous amounts of  glasses in our cupboards to fit in our tupperware which has been sitting on a chair in the kitchen in the box it came in while we use it, and tidy up the living room so there aren't random stacks of papers hanging around on coffee tables, basically I wanted to declutter my apartment.

Then yesterday hanging out with mom her Jeep broke down and I didn't get home till like 7, and I watched True Romance, ate Spaghettios, and got sleepy then went to bed. Today I got home from work and hung out with mom again, then I came home and fully intended to make the butterscotch cookies, cause I definitely wasn't going to get to the basement, and then discovered that I had no butter. So... still no cookies.

Yesterday was Ray Bradbury's birthday. He would've been 92. I was feeling really bold and inspired and I was going to post one of my short stories here, to commemorate what a remarkable summer this has been so far for me. Someone I felt very close to and who made me feel welcome in my own brain passed away, and a little more than a month later someone I hope I always feel very close to and who makes me feel welcome not just in my own brain but in my body and soul celebrated a year of marriage with me. I've slowly begun clawing my way out of overwhelming debt. I haven't gotten a new job yet but they are still interested (they'll supposedly be calling me in the next few weeks for yet another interview). Jeremy got a new car. I colored my hair for the first time in years, and I actually went lighter for the first time ever. I climbed into my house through a bathroom window (that was awesome for me.). So on and so forth.

Then of course I started thinking about it and decided not to post anything as I am every fearful of what people will think of my work. I'm worried they'll think it's awful but not tell me that, and sometimes just as bad is the concern that they'll think it's awful and tell me it is. Or they'll have no response at all. So I figured it would be easier to not take the chance. Because I am a total pussy. Maybe some other time.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's Tuesday, So I Wrote a Short Blog

Days when I work at 5 am, no matter how late I work till, I always feel like such a bum when I get home and I realize it's not even 3 yet but I'm already wearing my lazy clothes. And I always want to take a nap. Cause I don't get enough sleep the night before an early start so I continue the cycle by taking a nap and then not being able to get to sleep that night. It's vicious.

I love the crap out of Rock Of Ages. I prefer the movie cast recording to the Broadway cast but only because the movie wasn't as over the top with the emoting. The Broadway cast seem to think that the music and story line aren't cheesy enough so they just really drive it home. Also, the Broadway version's Stacee Jaxx sounds like a cross between Danny Zuko and a washed out jock who manages a dealership but doesn't own it. I like Tom Cruise as Stacee Jaxx better. Plus, who knew he had such a glam metal set of pipes? Super excited to own that DVD.

Jeremy's going out of town for a few days, leaving tonight. This will be the first time I've spent the night alone in this apartment since he worked at the hospital and he was doing overnights, and even then he was still home in the morning. I actually won't see him at all until Sunday, or is it Monday? He'll be back next week sometime. I'm sad. I like him. He's nice to have around.

I work while he's away. Like, I've been working since last Thursday and my next day off isn't until Friday. BUT, I have two days off in a row! That's crazy! That never happens. I hear rumours though that for some people this is actually totally normal. Is this true? Two days off in a row is a thing? What a world.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mo Money, Mo Problems

Just got off the phone with a debt collector, you know me and my debt problems. Well this is actually the second time I've gotten off the phone with a debt collector in as many weeks. (That ended in an actual money-will-be-paid resolution and not an I'm-hanging-up-the-phone-now-before-I-threaten-your-life-and-your-children resolution. Which isn't really a resolution, now that I think about it.) So I now have payment plans set up for the next nine months, in an attempt to get closer to being in good standing with Sallie Mae and my credit report. An attempt. Meaning what I've just set up, and agreed to pay, does not mean I'm out of collections. It just means when nine months is up, I'll be a little bit closer to it. Yay.

Note to self: the next time you're working a M-F job with weekends off, always, that ensures a minimum of 32 hours a week... don't fucking quit because you hate smelling like bread and onions when you leave work. Oh no, you have to shower before you can do anything after work. Boo fuckin' hoo, you whiny bitch. If you are going to quit, for the love of Christ, make sure you're moving, if not up, at least laterally. Yeah sure, being an adult sucks. Being an irresponsible adult sucks even more. Working in food service at 21 after graduating from a technical school with a pretty much useless two-year degree doesn't mean you're wasting your life, or that you've crushed your own dreams. Being 24, not being able to even think about buying a house, a new car, getting a loan for anything, getting rid of the mold under your living room carpet, taking a vacation, getting a new sofa because the bottom is literally falling out from under your current, or having a baby; this is wasting your life. This is you crushing your own dreams. Because you thought a job with fewer hours, by a lot, that paid less, by a lot, was better somehow than making sandwiches for seven hours a day, Monday through Friday, and never having to work weekends or holidays. You can be such a stupid cow.

So yeah, I'm a little bitter right now. To appease my anger, I'm going to stroll around Target with mom today and put a lot of things in the buggy that I say I'm going to buy even though I don't really have the money right now, but then before I check out, I'll start to feel guilty. Catholic guilty, even. And I'll put most of it back. But not that one item, whatever that item may be today, even if it's just a $1 bottle of nail polish (what up, New York Color?). Because I need to purchase that one thing. It lets me feel like I'm still in control of my finances. Spending that $1 and whatever the tax comes out to will help me feel like my life isn't spiraling into chaos, like it clearly is.

I finally get shopaholics. It's a control issue, even if it's deluding yourself into thinking you have control over not having control. And I am a control freak. So I will buy nail polish and pretend that the money I'm spending is my money. Though we all know it's really not.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Things I Got Distracted By While Waiting For My Nails to Dry

I need a new purse! Yes, this issue is so serious it requires an exclamation point. My current bag has been falling apart, and I patch it up, but then it falls apart from the patching. It's faux leather, which I think is the problem. It makes me sad. I took that thing to another continent. It's been so sturdy. No matter what I put in there, the seams haven't ripped from the strain, the straps haven't snapped from the weight, it just keeps getting these tiny tears in odd places and now it's so bad that the stitching at the straps and zippers is finally starting to come undone. And I know I need to replace it, but I'm really attached to that thing. I get attached to all my bags though, which is generally why I end up using them until they literally fall apart. This one bag I had I used even after my brother's cat chewed the hell out the strap and the material started peeling off, and the "gold" on the chain started to wear away. I only stopped using it entirely because it started smelling like garlic, thanks bitch employee at McDonald's for putting sauce in my bag. (Or maybe a garlic pill exploded? I don't remember now. That wouldn't explain the sauce container. That may have been me being absent minded though. Does McDonald's even have a garlic sauce? Not the point.) So I need a new bag.

Today's Google image is adorable. It's a dude jumping hurdles and shit you move him with your arrow keys and he jumps when you hit the space bar. Super cute. I just played and got the crappiest time ever. I will not repeat it.

Is anyone else excited about this Pitch Perfect movie? I heart Anna Kendrick, but the story line seems like Glee: The College Years. So I'll probably cheap seat that one, but I do find myself searching for the trailer on  Youtube at random intervals. Which is I guess a good indicator of potential entertainment value? Plus, the one dude who's also on Workaholics is in it, and he's humorous. The poster looks badass/adorable too.

How cute is this?
I'm reading this book called Johannes Cabal the Detective. It's the second book in a series about Johannes Cabal, the first being Johannes Cabal the Necromancer, by Jonathan L. Howard. So far, they have been terrific. I haven't finished the second one, in fact I just started it yesterday after finishing the first one, but there's also a third one and I need it in my life. He's a really good writer. It's like listening to a friend tell a story, not about something that happened to them, but about a book they've read or a movie they really like. There's all these asides, and sarcastic comments, and you can tell they're genuinely excited and invested in the material, and you can't help but be interested too. And it's worth your time, cause the story itself is terrific. So... check it out.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Broken Locks and Ladders (Instead of Shoots and Ladders... Get It?)

Today at work something terrific happened. A customer moved one of the employee ladders, unchained it, and climbed on up to look for a pair of shoes out of her reach. We weren't busy, there were maybe three customers in the store, including herself, and roughly four associates, none of us overly busy, and none of us intentionally not acknowledging her. I heard the ladder moving and assumed it was an associate but then I looked over and the woman clearly did not resemble any of the employees currently on the floor. So I went over.

Me: Excuse me, while you're up there can you get a size down for me?
Her: Oh, I don't work here.
Me: In that case, can  you please get off the employee ladder?

It's one thing if stores frequently leave ladders about the place for customers to just mosey on up, but as far as I know, no store actually does that. The damn thing had the CAUTION EMPLOYEE ONLY sign chained across the front. She had to unchain it to use it. AND take the brake off. I feel like she's done this before. And I also feel that the unborn fetus she was carrying in her enormous preggo belly is going to be just as ditzy as her. God help us.

After work I went to lunch with mom and Kage, and afterwards I was going to stop at home to let the dog out and then go over to moms to hang out while her millions of poodles were groomed. But then I got home and the doorknob that's been giving us trouble for like, the past since-we've-started-using-it, said 'fuck it' and totally broke. I could unlock the door, turn the handle, but the door wouldn't open. The part that goes in and out, wasn't going out. It was just staying in. So I called mom and she came back and then I discovered that I had locked all of the windows that I can reach from the outside, because I'm super paranoid about people breaking into my apartment (we live on the first floor). Window I cannot reach? Bathroom.

You know where this is going.

I had mom pull her Jeep up the little hill on the side of our house so the hood was directly underneath the window and I climbed up and then went on through the bathroom window. Naturally before I did, I sang about it. You know the words.

Don't pretend you would have done any differently.

I'm just really disappointed that we didn't take pictures or video. I'm more than happy to do it again though, cause I like doing stuff like that. I like knowing what I'm capable of if I ever need to be capable of it. For example, my quick thinking told me that I had no ladder and no one was tall enough to boost me up so let's use the hood of the Jeep.

My quick thinking did not remind me that I still need to buy a ladder. Those things come in handy when you least expect them to.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Previously on: My Life

I hate when awful things happen to people I usually talk to about random things, because then I don't know how to talk to them again. Bad things have been going on and I feel obligated to only speak to them about those things, which is terrible because then it's a constant reminder of those bad things. But I feel like it would be pretty shitty of me to just be like, 'Hey you should check out Prometheus, here's why' or 'This chick at work doesn't know how to walk in flip-flops, they are like literally slapping the ground. They should call them slap-shoes.' Instead I just don't talk to them for awhile. Which is also pretty shitty. In fact it's probably worse cause we're friends, and friends don't just cut you out of their lives until a respectable time has passed for you to deal with things. I'm a terrible person.

I don't know if I mentioned that we finally got a washer and dryer, but we did. It's been awesome, except they're older models so I'm worried something's going to break soon. So far so good though. They're small so I keep having to do like four loads, or turn the dryer back on for another cycle. That parts irritating, but I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

Jeremy and I watched all of Community over the last two weeks, and I liked it so much (apparently) that on my days off I've been re-watching it. Seriously. I focus on Jeff-Annie centric episodes sometimes, cause damn it I need them to happen! Relationships like theirs, I always need them to develop. I don't care for the will they-won't they crap, that is not interesting to me at all. Castle and Becket? Them finally getting together this season did not please me. I wanted a little joke/reveal thrown in somewhere about how they've been dating for awhile but they just don't talk about it or something. They can still banter and be adorable and have the same dynamic if they're dating. I don't understand why they couldn't or how things would really change. I just don't see the problem. The reason I want Jeff and Annie to work out though is cause Jeff kind of reminds me of Jeremy: sarcastic, kinda pretentious, bit of an ass, but he has these really good, commendable qualities that he doesn't let a lot of people see and Annie's this sweet, intelligent woman who can bring out those qualities and make him feel like he's not a pussy for being a good guy. Plus, Alison Brie and Joel McHale have terrific chemistry, and their height difference is adorable.

Back to the washer and dryer, I am not excited for our water and electric bill to blow up. Being an adult sucks that way.

Hulu has been advertising Green Acres, the complete series. So... my next few weeks are going to be kinda busy you guys. I know you're all disappointed.

Also, Prometheus was actually pretty good. But then  I also thought Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter was awesome, so I don't know that my judgement can be trusted. And I still listen to The Backstreet Boys when I want to clean. (Their music always made me want to clean. It's a weird subliminal thing, I'm sure of it. That and move furniture. Jive Records man.)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Paper Presents

Yesterday was our first anniversary, and it was lovely and meaningful and I share a lot of things on this blog (like, a lot of things. Inappropriate things.) but I'm keeping that one to myself. I got him a role-playing book, cause he's a geek, he got me a lovely picture based on one of my favorite movies. Because the first anniversary is paper.

I had this heartfelt concept for this post but then I thought: "No. Let's not." So instead, I'd like to share with you our wedding vows. They were written the morning of the wedding, and I tweaked them until like an hour before the ceremony. Our friend who officiated read them aloud for the both of us. I paraphrased William Shakespeare and F. Scott Fitzgerald (cause I'm super pretentious.). I keep them in a folder on my laptop called Important Shit. And I think they're lovely.

I love you, and that is the beginning of everything.
I come here today to join my life with my best friend.
I pledge to be true to you, to respect you, and to grow with you through the years.
I will hold you above all others.
Wherever you will go, I will go.
Whatever you will face, I will face.
Through laughter or tears, through riches or poverty, I vow here that this love will be my only love.
My heart is ever at your service, and I will make my home in yours from this day forward.

So there ya go. A glimpse into our wedding, because we didn't film the ceremony and I keep forgetting to get pictures printed to keep with me at all times so I can whip out a photo album.

PS we forgot to eat the piece of wedding cake we've had in our freezer last night so we're eating it tonight. Extended anniversary!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, Awkward Moments From My Young Life

When I was a freshmen in college I had a class with a guy who I thought was crazy adorable. He had curly brown hair that wasn't frizzy (which like, never happens), big blue eyes and glasses (I love glasses, so I was immediately in. And he actually needed them.) and he was a physics major. He also shared a name with a famous physicist. Fuck it, even if he reads this he knows how awkward the whole thing was. Isaac Newton. His name was legitametly Isaac Newton. So, I have this huge crush on him. And being my socially inept self I had no idea how to talk to him. No frickin' clue. I couldn't even work up the nerve to sit next to him and say hi. So instead, I wrote him a note. Because having a crush on someone in college is the equivalent to having a crush on someone when you're in the third grade, without the "check yes or no" boxes. If you're me. Even better, I was going to leave it on top of his books when I left class, lost my nerve, started to leave, got my nerve back, and turned back to give it to him and almost smacked into him. Then handed him the stupid thing. It said, "what is your full name?"

I wish I had made that up.

I got involved with a guy who was like, 16 years older than me when I was 19 (I think). His name I won't mention because it makes me want to punch babies knowing this period of my life really happened. An older guy was paying attention to me and I was like, "fuck yeah let's hang out cause apparently I have daddy issues!" Not really though, but it was nice to have someone that other people thought was cool pay attention to me. Turns out he was a super douche, and I learned a valuable lesson about not getting involved with fucking idiots. The awkward part is the night he called me and basically wanted me to "take care of" myself while we were on the phone. I was not interested because while I thought it would be so cool to date an older man, I most certainly did not want to engage in sexual activity of any kind with him. (We kissed this one time and I freaked out when he tried to put his tongue in my mouth cause it felt slimy and gross. (It was like, the second time I had been kissed in my life at that point.) He thought I was being a prude. What the fuck ever, douche.) So, he started talking about all this sexual stuff (I think) and what he's doing to me (I think) and I have no idea what he was saying cause he was super quiet and it was creepy so I actually pretending to be... ya know... taking care of things. It got to the point where I just didn't want to be on the phone anymore and I was desperately trying to find a way to get out of this conversation, so I started to laugh. Intentionally. I thought to myself, what is the best way to change the subject? Oh I know, chuckle quietly until he gets distracted. And then, when he asks why I'm laughing, say it's because I finished and I was feeling groovy.

I don't think this is coming across with the right emphasis. I'll try again: Oh I know, chuckle quietly until he gets distracted. And then, when he asks why I'm laughing, say it's because "I...finished, and I'm feeling pretty...groovy."

I also wish I had made that up.

When I was 15 I was in mutual like with a friend of a friend. We joked and flirted in our awkward 15 year old way. He once jokingly tried to put his arm around me and I laughed because I thought he was doing it jokingly and he interpreted it as me not being interested. He was just as awkward as I was, so obviously nothing was ever going to happen. We never even kissed. Then one night we were talking seriously about liking each other and I thought it would be cool and grown up of me (15 year old jackass) to say that I wasn't interested in a relationship but it would be cool if we still hung out and maybe, ya know, did things. (Nothing happened. He lost interest because who the fuck says that shit? Stupid 15 year old idiot Storm, that's who.)

And I very much wish that I had made that up.

People like me exist.

You're welcome, world.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Jeremy VS The Pickle

Jeremy went out to McDonald's in North Lima, approximately 10-15 minutes from us because the one only 5 minutes away consistently fucks up our orders (although I do admire that consistency). He hates pickles. Fucking hates them. If he could remove all pickles from the planet, he absolutely would, even if it meant that I would suffer because I love them. And every once in awhile the North Lima location will put pickles on his burgers but because it's so uncommon from them he just takes them off and suffers quietly through his pickle juice saturated burger. But not tonight.

Tonight he went back out to North Lima to ask for a burger made the way his damn receipt said it was made, NO PICKLE. He was so fired up his exact words were: "I'm going back out there."

He gets there, speaks to a manager who says they'll remake it and give him fresh fries, and he waits for his new NO PICKLE Big Mac. They give him the new bag, and to be sure, he takes the burger out to check it.

Opens the lid.

Checks under the bun.

Fucking pickles.

So he just closes it back up and sets the container on the counter without saying anything. The manager turns around, sees the box, and says the following: "Fucking seriously?" (I'm paraphrasing. But I'm not far off.)

The manager had to make it himself to be sure there were no pickles on it.

I don't understand the inability of human beings to follow simple instructions.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Things That Piss Me Off (part like, a hundred)

When I'm reading a book (I have a lot of peeves regarding me and books) don't ask me what I'm reading. I don't have my book with me in the hopes that you'll comment on it. I have my book with me because I want to fucking read it. When you ask me what I'm reading, I have to either show you the cover, or actually tell you. The fact that I have to do either of those things infuriates me. Here are my reasons why:

If I show or tell you and then continue to read it, you will either say something like "oh I've never heard of it", "oh cool, is it any good?", "I don't know that author" or my least favorite question ever: "what's it about?" When you do this, I am left with no choice but to engage in conversation with you. This conversation will in no way be entertaining, intelligent, insightful, or enjoyable for me whatsoever. You have already presented me with more than enough facts for me to determine that you're a fucking idiot. When a person has something in front of them that can command their attention, and they are allowing it to, this generally means they do not want their attention diverted. By asking stupid questions, "what's it about?", you are diverting their attention. If that book was a person that I was in discussion with, and you waltzed up and just started asking me what we were talking about without politely interrupting and excusing yourself for doing so, both the individual I was speaking to and myself would consider you rude, impertinent, and impolite. Also, a douche.

Don't be a douche.

If I do answer your question and you are familiar with the book, there is no need for you to say anything else. Because, again, I am not looking to have a conversation with you. If you do feel the need to further comment, please always bear in mind that from that point on I am killing you in my head. Slowly. Every word you say is another drop of water on your forehead, another electric shock, another bamboo shoot under your nails. If you ever say the words "I approve" I immediately lose all respect for you as a human being, and my perception of your intelligence goes from wherever it may be at this point in our relationship straight down to zero. In fact, everything you've done to garner favor in my book, whether you're aware of it or not, vanishes. Just, fucking, vanishes. You must begin again. You must start slowly. (That, is a literary reference. It is paraphrased, so I have chosen not to use quotation marks.)

I will direct you to a previous paragraph, in fact the first paragraph, and to a sentence, the second sentence to be precise, and the end of that sentence, to be very precise: "in the hopes that you'll comment on it." I feel like I really need to drive this home. The fact that you approve of the book I am reading is literally worthless to me. You're opinion, of my taste in literature, has. No. Worth to me.

Here are my answers to your stupid fucking questions that I don't care to answer. Please commit them to memory so that in future, we will not have to have this completely pointless and useless waste of my goddamn time:

You: Oh I've never heard of it.
Me: (noncommittal grunt)

You: Oh cool, is it any good?
Me: (noncommittal grunt)

You: I don't know that author.
Me: (noncommittal grunt)

You: What's it about?
Me: (noncommittal grunt)

Do you see a pattern emerging?

If there is a book present, that book is always more important to me than you.

I'm a very angry person.

See how much more majestic this is than you? Remember that.  This is the Trinity College Library, motherfucker. And it is not fucking around.