Sunday, June 3, 2012

Catching Up (Briefly)

Had a third interview at the library. It went very well. It was approximately 30 minutes long. I shelved some books, corrected some spelling, and changed the paper orientation in Excel. For reals. I won't hear anything for at least another two weeks while they hire someone for a technical position that is actually open. But I feel really good about this. (Famous last words.)

We finally got rid of our piano. I don't think I've talked about this much, or ever, but I used to have a piano. Big, space-taking-up thing, upright, and out of tune. Desperately out of tune. My dad got me one when I was about 17 for my birthday, it was free-ish. It was also in worse shape than the one I just got rid of. And we traded it in somehow for the current one. Then I moved out and it came with me and I was playing for awhile but then I wasn't, and then it had been months since I had played it (then years), and I kept moving it around the apartment trying to find out of the way places for it, until it basically became and enormous shelf that could, if you really wanted it to, play music. So we sold to a friend of ours for 5 bucks, he loaded up in his truck one night, and now my living room looks massive. And I miss it. (Of course.)

I think there's moisture under our carpets. It feels almost tacky when I walk in my barefeet. If I kneel down my knees don't get wet but the carpet feels like they should. I know I need to call our landlord about it but I keep forgetting to clean the candle wax off the one wall from that time the candle melted while I was actually home and in the same room as it and still managed to completely miss it. I don't need him finding things to give me shit about while he tries not to take care of the black mold in the basement and moisture in my floors. (I hate this place. So damn bad.)

Our next big trip is traveling Route 66. Since part of the original route no longer exists we're going to take another one as close as possible. We'll follow through the original states on the way to Los Angeles and then on the way back we'll take the route Google Maps recommends because it'll take us through Colorado, Utah, and Iowa, and we want to hit as many states as we can. We'll take off like a week and a half, maybe two, so we can have time in each state and get pretty pictures and stuff. If you drive straight through it takes about a day and half and you go through 8 states so that seems like a decent amount of time to still be able to see things. Some states, like Kansas, you're barely there so those will be the ones where we grab a shot glass from a gas station. I'm so excited about it. I really want to go in time to coincide with the Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Festival, cause I've heard it's really beautiful and the pictures are always so cool, but that's in early October so we aren't sure on that one yet. It would mean leaving here just as it's getting chilly, which isn't a big deal cause we'd get out to L.A. and it wouldn't totally kill us, but it would also mean coming back just as it's getting chilly. (We don't really like the cold.)

That's basically it. I don't do much.