Sunday, April 18, 2010

Handels, craft stores, and video games

So yesterday was our "go out and do stuff" day, which isn't actually a weekly thing it just happened that yesterday we did a bunch of stuff. So today we haven't done anything. Jeremy hasn't even showered yet, which... gross. I don't know maybe it's just me but I really enjoy showering. Being clean is one of the awesomest things for me.

It's probably true.

Anyway this is what we managed to accomplish yesterday, not that any of it is of interest:

  • Got Jeremy's hair cut (which he really needed... he was starting to look like a Beatles reject)
  • Bought random stuff at the craft store to occupy us later yesterday evening (and it did too, I'm still working on my project)
  • Called about a duplex for rent that's kind of out of our price range but we're looking at it anyway
  • Walked around the mall to work off the Five Guys we had for lunch-
I have to stop here. This is very, very important. Yesterday, for lunch... I had Five Guys. For the first time. Ever.
And it was amazing.

  • Bought stuff, including but not limited to: video games, candles, feathers, etc.
  • Went to Handel's (and I still have ice cream left over, which I'm currently delighting in... mmm cake batter)

(An image search for Handel's Cake Batter Ice Cream pulls up this guy, George Frideric Handel, conveniently one of my favorite composers. Fun fact: I had no idea his middle name was Frideric.)

  • Had soup for dinner and watched Starship Troopers (does anybody else love it despite how awful the acting is? It's essentially a propaganda film, which I've never read the book but I don't know if that's the purpose of the book too, I imagine it is, Heinlein really enjoyed his messages.)
And that is actually it. We also went to bed fairly early. Because I guess we're old. Another fun thing that happened yesterday was that I had to separate a bunch of blue sequins from all these other colors that I don't really care about for that project that I mentioned (READ see above) earlier and it took me literally all of Meet the Robinsons and the first ten minutes of Starship Troopers... I wanted to hit somebody. Why the hell can't they sell me separate bags of sequins? Quit mixing that shit up damn it!

I'll post pictures of the project when it's finished, cause it's going to be Bad Ass, yes upper case badassery. B.A., if you will... Barackus style.
