I need a new purse! Yes, this issue is so serious it requires an exclamation point. My current bag has been falling apart, and I patch it up, but then it falls apart from the patching. It's faux leather, which I think is the problem. It makes me sad. I took that thing to another continent. It's been so sturdy. No matter what I put in there, the seams haven't ripped from the strain, the straps haven't snapped from the weight, it just keeps getting these tiny tears in odd places and now it's so bad that the stitching at the straps and zippers is finally starting to come undone. And I know I need to replace it, but I'm really attached to that thing. I get attached to all my bags though, which is generally why I end up using them until they literally fall apart. This one bag I had I used even after my brother's cat chewed the hell out the strap and the material started peeling off, and the "gold" on the chain started to wear away. I only stopped using it entirely because it started smelling like garlic, thanks bitch employee at McDonald's for putting sauce in my bag. (Or maybe a garlic pill exploded? I don't remember now. That wouldn't explain the sauce container. That may have been me being absent minded though. Does McDonald's even have a garlic sauce? Not the point.) So I need a new bag.
Today's Google image is adorable. It's a dude jumping hurdles and shit you move him with your arrow keys and he jumps when you hit the space bar. Super cute. I just played and got the crappiest time ever. I will not repeat it.
Is anyone else excited about this Pitch Perfect movie? I heart Anna Kendrick, but the story line seems like Glee: The College Years. So I'll probably cheap seat that one, but I do find myself searching for the trailer on Youtube at random intervals. Which is I guess a good indicator of potential entertainment value? Plus, the one dude who's also on Workaholics is in it, and he's humorous. The poster looks badass/adorable too.
How cute is this? |
I'm reading this book called Johannes Cabal the Detective. It's the second book in a series about Johannes Cabal, the first being Johannes Cabal the Necromancer, by Jonathan L. Howard. So far, they have been terrific. I haven't finished the second one, in fact I just started it yesterday after finishing the first one, but there's also a third one and I need it in my life. He's a really good writer. It's like listening to a friend tell a story, not about something that happened to them, but about a book they've read or a movie they really like. There's all these asides, and sarcastic comments, and you can tell they're genuinely excited and invested in the material, and you can't help but be interested too. And it's worth your time, cause the story itself is terrific. So... check it out.
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