Monday, April 23, 2012

World Book Night (Feed Your Head)

(The book pictured, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is not one of the books to be given away. This year. Just FYI.)
Today is World Book Night. People sign up to be book givers (before February, I missed the cutoff date but fear not I'm doing it next year and you should too.) and then get 20 books to give out to the masses (of 20... obviously) to encourage literacy among adults.
The books are meant for people who aren't avid readers.
One of my new life goals is to be one of the authors whose book is being giving away.
There's no charge to the givers, no charge to the receivers, and no royalties to the authors.
Just people sharing the gift of literature. And it makes me stupid-happy.
Plus, when I interview at the library in May, having this knowledge and being a giver next year, is going to make me look awesome. In your face other applicants! This one's mine!