Spring cleaning is stupid. I don't feel like I took too long to get to it cause it should be warm enough out to open windows when you clean your entire living quarters. But I do feel like it's a waste of time. Aside from getting rid of a bunch of crap I discovered I have neither need nor use for I still have to do the general cleaning every week if not more frequently. I have discovered a serious problem with the filtration in my apartment. If I go week to week dusting we have tiny little animals hanging out in corners and crannies. I have no idea where they come from or how they get there or where they're keeping their luggage.
When I lived at home, at our most ridiculous we had three cats, four dogs, and five people living in the house. We never had this much dust or fur. It boggles my mind. I think it has something to do with the lack of movement in our apartment. With fewer people the dust and whatnot has time to settle without being disturbed for days at a time. We have a second bedroom that we turned into a library and if I haven't been in there for a few a week, (which sometimes happens, cause I like to pretend I'm a busy person but really I'm just watching Netflix) everything seems to be covered in a fine layer of dust. So before I can curl up with a book I have to dust all the furniture down and sweep the dog fur off the loveseat cause that bitch keeps laying on it while we're out. (Our library door doesn't stay closed so she's in there all the effing time.)
And our bedroom. Sweet Jesus. I just cleaned our dressers off and I had to take everything off them before I could even consider dusting. Ya know how sometimes you do lazy dusting, where you just dust around objects instead of actually picking them up (akin to lazy vacuuming, see the previous sentence and substitute sweeping for dusting)? I can't imagine that as a possibility because I'm both horrified at our disgusting it looks and terrified at the idea that some kind of germy-menace is living there waiting to kill me while I sleep... or while I'm awake. Whichever. It'll do it man. That germy-menace is no joke.
Anyway, I figured I could jump on cleaning today, spring-wise, and get rid of some crap I don't need anymore or do some condensing. Something to make this place seem more like a place where people live instead of a place where people put there things. I hate that feeling. I look around and just see clutter. I need organized and I don't have it and so I freak out and do a massive purge where I end up throwing out things that in a few weeks, or days, I realize I could've used. I just really hate this apartment (and our landlord) so I keep putting off doing any real organizing in the hopes that we'll find another place and I can organize properly there.
Hasn't happened yet.
So I opened some windows, cause it's not exactly warm but the humidity is pretty high. And I'm slowly but surely doing some spring cleaning. And hating my life a little bit more. (Kidding! It could be worse. I could be cleaning at my parents where they have three poodles who fucking love the rain and mud... gross.)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
I'm such a tool. I was uber excited that we might get to see Harry Potter when it was released in London and then I find out that it comes out on July 7th, eight days before we get there. And then it comes out on the 15th here, when we're landing in London. So either way I don't get to see it on opening day. Grumble and sadness.
In other news, I have lost a grand total of 8 pounds. That means twenty-two more pounds and I am all set to be looking good in my custom made wedding dress. That's right, custom made. Like I'm important or something. Really I'm just designing it and my aunt is making it. But it's going to be lovely and completely original and me. And if I have a daughter and she doesn't want to wear it on her wedding day I'm going to be like, 'good cause it wasn't made for you anyway...bitch.'
Oh and I painted my nails. They look pretty and sparkly.

In other news, I have lost a grand total of 8 pounds. That means twenty-two more pounds and I am all set to be looking good in my custom made wedding dress. That's right, custom made. Like I'm important or something. Really I'm just designing it and my aunt is making it. But it's going to be lovely and completely original and me. And if I have a daughter and she doesn't want to wear it on her wedding day I'm going to be like, 'good cause it wasn't made for you anyway...bitch.'
Oh and I painted my nails. They look pretty and sparkly.

See? Pretty.
And someone totally re-posted one of my blogs on Tumblr. Which is pretty sweet cause it means people are actually reading it.
Harry Potter,
Nail polish,
weight loss
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