Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mad Men and Nat King Cole

This is beautiful. I love Mad Men and Nat King Cole, and Nature Boy is easily one of my favorite songs ever. I also found, a couple years ago, a collaboration between RJD2 (the instrumentalist responsible for 'A Beautiful Mine') and Aceyalone called 'Magnificent City' that has a version of A Beautiful Mine on it, and although it's hip-hop which I never really care for I really love the whole CD.

Btdubs, according to the comments section of youtube (yes, that's all the further research I've done) the vocalist, Allison Williams, is the daughter of Brian Williams... the news anchor.

We're going to see Atlas Shrugged up in North Canton today so my whole morning is devoted to that. And a little bit of music.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Jeremy and the Passport Office

So the passport processing has changed venues, and by that I mean they've moved from their own little cubby in the Annex Building to the Title and Plates cubby just across the hall. And their are no other indications once you get in the title room about what to do. So we took a number. And then about ten minutes late whilst waiting for our number to be called, this little Asian lady walked in and right up to the counter and asked to fill out a passport application. And they just took her into the little room to fill one out. I was upset. So I went up and asked about a passport and the lady told me to take a number, which booyah! we already had. Apparently that little Asian broad is above the rules and the number system. La-dee-dah.

So when Jeremy's number was finally called there was a discussion amongst the other three people who were also applying for passports and needed applications. Because they changed the application since last year so everyone who had the old one all filled out, two of the three people, had to fill out a new one. (I also had to do this when I applied for mine last month.)

Anyway while Jeremy was in there doing his application thing I hung out and talked with the husband of the Puerto Rican woman who had to get a new birth certificate because some database had been hacked in Puerto Rico and the US wouldn't accept hers anymore. They were going on a cruise in the Caribbean. His family is from Wales, Germany and Scotland, much like mine. And then of course the incredibly adorable and sweet old man sitting next to me whose grandfather was from Wales. I wanted to talk to him more but Jeremy came out cause he was done.

When I told him about the people he said the passport bureau (is that a thing? I don't know) was going to think there was a coup happening between Ohio and Wales. And also, the passport ladies were baffled by his birth certificate, which is from Connecticut, because they had never seen one and there was so much information on it.

And then we came home cause he has to go to work soon.

The end.

Well, until we get the passports.

Lazy Atkins (meaning that I just don't call it Atkins)

By this time tomorrow I should be losing weight cause my body should be going into ketosis . I've been carb free, as well as I can tell, for about 24-hours. I did have two mozzarella sticks at dinner last night and I don't know what's going on with spinach that makes it so delicious but I'm betting it's carbs. Carbs are always delicious. And of course my future in-laws made Italian sausage and meatballs over the weekend which naturally we took home with us, but I've done my best not to eat the sauce. Anyway, other than that I've had water and carb-free delights.

I always forget how much I love tuna until I open the can and then I turn into a house-cat, impatiently turning the can-opener and getting frustrated that it isn't already open, practically mewling in anticipation. I realized how weird that sentence was as every word came out but I'm not changing it.

And I had no idea sugar-free Jello had no carbs. Are you kidding me? I fucking love Jello. If you made me a house of Jello, I would live in it... and eat it. I like it for the same reason my dad hates it: it's neither a solid nor a liquid. Outwardly, it's solid. But if you put your hand on it, ya know, to rest or something, it's going to go right through that Jello-y... whatever shape you've molded your Jello into. I don't know an egg or something, for Easter.

We need to buy some bacon and tuna so I can lose weight and have delicious treats at the same time. I wonder how many carbs are in dark chocolate...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

And now wedding related news!

So I completely forgot to mention that a few weeks ago, actually only two, I applied for my passport. My photo looks stupid, go figure, and I probably asked too many questions while filling out the application for the person to assume I was even a mildly intellectual human being. In my defense though, how the hell am I supposed to know that I don't need my marriage certificate because my name won't be the same on all of our legal documents yet? Or that I don't have to change my address cause it won't be on the passport anyway?

But it should be here by... damn I can't remember how long it takes to process. It should be here before I leave the country, I know that.

This Blog Doesn't Recognize "Ish" as a Word...

In my continuing quest to lose thirty pounds before my wedding in July, I went to the gym yesterday (AKA my parents house) and I think I bruised my ribcage whilst ellipticaling. And of course by "ellipticaling" I mean using the elliptical. I don't even know if this possible but I know my ribcage hurts. Maybe I slept weird.

I was feeling creative today so I went online to find some quick, simple projects and I stumbled upon T-shirt yoga pants, which I've been wanting to try since my friend bragged about how cool the ones she made were. (I get it Lisa, you're very creative.) So I cut up the shirt and looked at the mess I had made, and then decided I lacked the motivation to finish the project. Much like the time I tried to make legging-boots, and got as far as tacking the material to the boot before discovering I should have measured twice and cut once. Now the fiasco is hanging out on the closet floor in the library.

In unrelated news, someone moved in upstairs. Well, I say moved in but I really mean someone moved stuff in upstairs, but that someone doesn't stay here. Ever. I've sort of seen her once, through my kitchen window and the sheer-ish curtain that hangs there. And she banged some piece of furniture against our living room door while hefting it up the stairs. That was nice of her. I told my mum about the whole situation and she asked if the lady was a vampire. I was like, maybe.